Main Attraction

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~A week later~

"You always do this!" Pepper was yelling at Tony. "This doesn't look good no matter the fact that you flew a nuke into a wormhole. Speaking of! What possessed you to do something so stupid?!"

Tony's breath caught in his chest, hands shaking. He tried to defend himself but the ginger woman continued her tirade at him. He was getting black spots as he tried to call for someone to help him. He was panicking and he couldn't focus enough to calm himself down.

There was a sudden breeze and familiar arms around him, cherry blossom perfume filling his nose and triggering his brain to start pumping calming hormones through him. His brain associated the smell and feel of the person holding him with safety. He practically melted against the deity and clung to her like a scared child clinging to their mother.

"Shh, Tony. It's okay. Breathe, love." Kayla murmured, putting Tony's hand on her chest so he could feel her breathe. She ignored the other woman in the room, entirely focused on Tony. The brunette let her magic coil through Tony's entire being, filling him to the soul with an endless ocean of steady soothing feelings. 

Tony blinked his eyes open, aware that he had been crying silently when he panicked. He felt his racing heart slow and his harsh gasping breaths smoothed into steadier ones as he subconsciously mimicked her breathing. Some people absolutely couldn't be touched while having a panic attack but he needed it. He felt like he would drift away into an endless abyss of every cruel thing that has happened to him or been said to him.

"Kayla." Tony croaked, voice hoarse. He knew she would keep him safe. She always did and deep down he knew she always would. He never even registered Pepper leaving, the ginger scowling heavily as she rode the elevator down to her office.

"I'm right here, love. Everything is okay. No more yelling." Kayla reassured him, feeling the way he pressed his ear over her heart. He wanted to sleep and he wanted her to give him the dreamless sleep like she always did after he panicked. It helped him feel refreshed enough to go over why he panicked. "Let's get you to bed, sweetheart." She had started using even more pet names for him recently.

Tony was so in love with her and the super soldiers, wanting desperately to be a part of their love. He thought that he had no chance with them though. His last conscious thought was about wanting to confess to them.

(Short because it's an interlude)

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