Valhalla Calling

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Thor showed the four around the next day, grinning and telling the histories of his people. He liked showing around the ones he considered friends. "And that is Hela, Loki's daughter." He pointed at a portrait of a dark haired woman with a skeletal face on one side.

"Neat." Tony nodded, looking at the portrait. He had gone through a mythology phase when he was ten and had read about different Pantheons'. Granted he had an eidetic memory so he remembered what he read exactly. It was both a blessing and a curse.

"Katune, may I borrow you for a moment?" Frigga interrupted the tour. She wanted to speak to the Goddess privately.

"Of course." Katune nodded and followed Frigga. She was very curious about what the other woman wanted.

"I was curious about if you know of the Mad Titan Thanos? Loki has confirmed that Thanos was searching for the Infinity Stones." Frigga got right to the point. "You and the Avengers thwarted his attempt to get the Mind Stone."

"I've heard Whispers. But we will be ready for him." Katune had many contingency plans and knew her lovers would also have plans. "I think a mutual relationship between Asgard and Midgard would be very beneficial. At least between you and I."

"I agree. However Odin is King and he does not wish for us to interfere too much. He said that when the Avengers took care of the Chitauri, they said that they're ready for intergalactic war." The Queen looked worried. "My sons are very fond of you and I know it would devastate them to have Midgard destroyed."

"If we all fight together, then it won't be. The key is stopping him from getting the Stones in the first place." Katune was ready to keep things from getting out of hand. "Then we could find better places for them."

"Like that Realm you have?" Frigga spoke knowingly. She had heard tales of where Katune disappeared to at times.

"I have no wish to possess all of them." Katune warned. She just wanted to live in the Forest Lodge with her boys. Was that too much to ask for?!

"I know you don't." Frigga backed off the topic now. "Do you wish to have children with your lovers?"

"I do. But I don't know if we are ready yet." Kayla admitted, switching from her Godly persona to her more human one. "I know that we will have to have a long discussion with them before we do."

"I remember being pregnant with Thor. It was awful." Frigga laughed a bit. "He was very strong even in the womb."

"I imagine so." Kayla settled into a cozy chair, ready to carry on the new topic. "I know that any child we have will be strong. Impossible for them to not be."

"But what if they are Anthony's?" Frigga was curious. She knew the history of the two SuperSoldiers thanks to Thor but not much of Tony besides Loki geeking out over the sarcastic genius who matched him insult for insult.

"Tony is like us now." Was all Kayla said about her genius. He may not have been enhanced except for Extremis but he had still been strong. "We don't know about children yet anyways. They could not want any."

Frigga recognized the shut down for what it was. "I think we should be getting back. I'll leave you to your explorations."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Kayla flashed a small smile. She left to locate her boys, finding them in their quarters.

"Hey, Honey." Tony was currently impaled on Steve's cock, teasing his blond at the moment.

"I like what I walked into." She just looked at her boys and opted to lay with James though. She wasn't very aroused at the moment, too bothered by the conversation. They had been together at years by this point but they hadn't discussed kids after the first three times. That had been each time someone joined their relationship.

James cuddled their girlfriend close and kissed her cheek. 'Okay?'

'Yes.' The response was a lie and she had hesitated before answering his silent question. Kayla knew he would see right through it.

'I don't believe that.' James liked to talk over their Bond. It made him feel connected to her.

'I know.' She sent a surge of remorse to him. 'Later. At home.'

He understood that she would explain later once they got home. Not for the first time, he wished that they were home. James wanted to go home now. He wanted to know what was bothering their lover.

"Beautiful." Kayla sighed, watching the two men fucking next to them. She enjoyed seeing her men love each other carnally. She rolled slightly to face James though and snuggled into him. "I love you."

"Love you too." James kissed her forehead. They only had the rest of today and tomorrow to get through. Then they would go home to their Lodge. Where it was safe and he could protect them better. Where he had the "home field" advantage so to speak.

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