Rolling In The Deep

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“Everything will be okay.” Kayla was petting Bucky's hair, soothing him as they got ready to install his new arm. “Me and Stevie will be with you when you wake up.”

“I'm not five.” Bucky sounded petulant but was secretly grateful for the reassurance. He had had no kindness for years during procedures except once he had been found by Kayla. He tilted his head and accepted the kiss she pressed to his lips.

“I know.” Kayla started the slide of her magic into his mind to knock him out and keep him numbed. He hadn't reacted well to the sedatives the last time because he burned through them just as quickly as Steve. She counted in Latin slowly, watching his eyes shut and made sure he was completely unconscious and safe in his mindscape. She then focused on keeping his nerve endings numb in the area Tony was about to work on.

“He out?” Tony was ready to put the new mooring and arm in. He wasn't a doctor but Bucky had absolutely refused to allow anyone else to work on him.

“Yep. Be careful with him.” Kayla was fiercely protective of her boys.

“I will. Don't worry.” Tony reassured her and started the surgery, pleased with how well everything had healed. He finished installing the mooring and popped the new arm into place. He set about wiring it and sighed at the brush of magic on his tensed muscles.

He finished about five and a half hours after starting, having installed the new mooring and the new arm but also calibrated it. The genius washed up, scrubbing obsessively to remove the blood. He startled at being touched, cringing before the familiar warm sensation of magic washed through him.

“Hey. Hey. Shh. Relax.” Kayla soothed, getting him to sit and rubbed his back. “The blood is gone. Your hands are clean.”

He made a quiet noise, leaning his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands. It took a bit for him to center himself but when he looked up, he realized he had been magically deposited in a chair in the living room by Rhodey who had once again been given leave to try and make Tony give over his suits.

“Hey, Tones.” Rhodey smiled at his best friend and pseudo little brother. “Looks like she changed your clothes.” He was barely containing his laughter.

Tony glanced down and cried out at the 50s looking pajamas. “What the hell?!”

“I believe it is payback for telling Lady Kayla that she looked like someone's mother the other day.” JARVIS spoke dryly.

“Payback is a bitch.” Rhodey snorted, snapping a photo on his phone. That was definitely going in his blackmail folder.

“So are you.” Tony quipped before pouting. “Delete that!”

“Never! This is payback for the guac incident!” Rhodey laughed. “JARVIS, please add this to the folder.”

“I have added it to the folder, Colonel Rhodes.” JARVIS responded.

“What folder?!” Tony blinked, looking betrayed at his best friend.

“The folder of embarrassing photos of you. They've been gathered since you finished JARVIS.” Rhodey patted Tony's head. “C'mon. It's late.” He simply carried Tony over his shoulder.

Tony just sulked, finding it unfair that he was being treated like a child. “I resent this.”

“Sucks to be you.” Rhodey set Tony down carefully on the bed and looked amused as his best friend stripped to his underwear before laying. The older man laid down with Tony, remembering the many nights in college that he had slept with Tony in his bed. He was 8 years older than Tony but he had gone to college later because of financial issues. Tony's parents had died shortly after Tony had joined him in MIT. That had been in 1991 that Howard and Maria had died and Jarvis had died three years later.

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