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Kayla proceeded to use several colorful Greek curses. She had her hands in her hair, lightly yanking at the strands. It was one of her stress signs and her magic swirled under her skin.

"Is that Latin?" Clint was nosy about this unknown woman.

"Greek. But old Greek." Agent Coulson answered. He had a feeling about what she and Steve were.

"Anyways." Steve carefully pulled her hands from her hair. "What is it?"

"Sir Daddy Issues got the tesseract started without his staff." Kayla hissed. She was on full alert at the moment with no sign of her usual gentle demeanor. Her family was in trouble.

"What do we do?" Agent Coulson looked at her apprasingly. He would always appreciate any kind of good plan.

"We go beat the shit out of Loki." Clint interrupted. He wanted to get revenge for being brainwashed.

"And shut the portal down." Tony smirked. "Then we kick alien ass."

"They'll be both destroying the area and protecting Loki." Steve had thought over the problem. He already had a plan that just needed to be put in place.

"We need to destroy the mothership." Kayla rubbed her temples. "This is far out of my domain..."

They made their way to where Tony was waiting and began the fight that would become known as the Battle of New York.

~Near the end~

Tony coughed, eyes opening. "Please tell me no one kissed me."

"I did." Kayla said it with a straight face. Her whole demeanor screamed seriousness and anxiety over his wellbeing.

"Well fuck." Tony groaned. He got to his feet slowly, avoiding the deity's eyes and her blond boyfriend's upset look. "Let's go take Reindeer Games into custody." He got out of the armor and limped as fast as he could.

"He's yours today." Steve grumbled to his girlfriend as they hurried after the genius. He was very grumpy at the self sacrificing move the genius made.

"Nah. He's Bucky's." Kayla had grabbed the assassin and staff to shut the portal. She hurried a bit faster and grabbed Tony's hand, squeezing it carefully.

They took the elevator up and put special handcuffs on Loki to suppress his powers. His eyes were no longer the eerie blue shade but now his usual vibrant green.

"Well, I'll be damned. She was right about the eyes." Tony squinted at the trickster's eyes. He hadn't been sure if she was correct on that part.

"Duh." Kayla snorted. "Loki, who did this to you?" She had heard rumors the last time she emerged on Earth to check if it was safe for her boys.

"His name is Thanos." Loki spoke quietly, sounding very defeated and exhausted. "He's trying to collect the stones to become the ruler of the universe and wipe out half of everything to 'make things better'."

"So the rumors are true." Kayla's form flickered slightly, showing her more otherly form. "The stones are in danger then."

"We should discuss more privately." Thor looked around as the elevator opened. He carefully snatched the staff up and handed it to Kayla who shoved it through a portal to her realm.

"We're here to take custody of the prisoner and his staff along with the tesseract." Brock Rumlow spoke, displaying a badge.

"Loki is a citizen of Asgard. He will be punished there." Thor disagreed, eyes lighting up with power.

"And the tesseract will be going with back to Asgard for safekeeping." Kayla added. "They are equipped to handle it." Honestly, she was just going to take it and hide it in a place where no one would find it.

"Senator Pierce gave us our orders, Ma'am." Rumlow insisted with a fake smile on his face.

"Good thing I'm not a citizen of this country." Kayla had a very solemn expression. "I don't fall under his jurisdiction either."

Thor just snickered to himself. He wasn't dumb like people thought, he was actually very intelligent. Frigga wouldn't have him be ignorant and uneducated.

"Get out of my tower." Tony barked suddenly, crossing his arms. "This is my property, now leave."

The STRIKE team left, knowing they would be punished. They had failed to even get close enough to grab the tesseract.

"Now. Who wants Shawarma?" Tony washed his hands in the sink and they went out to eat. Loki was temporarily turned into a child by everyone's favorite deity and brought with after the tesseract was tossed into Kayla's realm for now.

Loki secretly enjoyed himself being included, even if he had been forced into the shape of a child. It had felt nice to be carried to the restaurant and he had even enjoyed being placed in Thor's lap. He was so very touch starved and sometimes it showed. He usually tried to hide it by using harsh words and cruel actions to drive everyone away from him but he was so very lonely.

The next day had everyone gathered to see Loki and Thor off, Thor carrying the 'tesseract'.

"Behave! Don't come back too soon!" Bucky called as they went off. "Whew... Glad That's over."

"We do need to help clean up." Steve reminded everyone. The entire group proceeded to give him dirty looks, except Natasha who pretended she didn't care.

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