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Kayla sat watching quietly, knowing that Tony would not be happy to be interrupted. He was in the middle of a very important breakthrough on something he had called the BARF Machine. She carefully exited the workshop and went to check on Steve and Bucky. She found them sparring with scowling faces and knew something had caused them to argue. She also knew that they would not want her to interfere. That was something that had caused arguments in the beginning of their relationship.

Kayla felt odd and a bit discombobulated at the moment. She wandered up to the communal floor and sat on the couch, putting on some random show for background noise. She didn't glance up when she felt the Archer approach after three hours. He had mostly avoided her after New York.

"They finally left you alone?" Clint raised an eyebrow, plopping on the other end of the couch. He was wearing faded purple pajama pants and a loose Tshirt.

"They do that sometimes." Kayla shrugged, giving him the remote. She wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings anyways. Her senses were screaming in the back of her head. The more time she spent in the human realm, the more distress she felt. She was now understanding why the other Deities tended to not interact much. It was quickly becoming overwhelming.

"You good? You look like you're going to murder someone, scream or cry." Clint was a bit alarmed. He had never seen her so far on edge except when fighting Loki. The air had a slight electric feeling to it that made the hair on his body stand on end.

"I'm fine. Thank you." Kayla forced a smile. She needed to escape. It was driving her insane. She stood abruptly and vanished from the whole state of New York.

Clint set down the remote slowly and glanced up at the ceiling. "Uh. Hey, JARVIS. Could you let one of the lovers know that their girlfriend just disappeared? And that she seemed upset?"

"I shall do that. Thank you, Agent Barton." JARVIS had also been confused by the goddess' behavior. She had seemed lost and not like herself. He flashed three lights in quick succession to get Tony's attention first, using their agreed upon signal.

Tony looked up from what he was doing and frowned. "What's going on, J? I told you I'm not to be disturbed."

"Something's wrong with Miss Kayla." JARVIS reported. "She was not acting like herself and she has disappeared from all of my sensors."

"She could just be having an off day. She was okay when she was here earlier." Tony was having one of his emotionally obtuse moments. "I'm sure she's fine. Probably just wanted to get out for a bit. Ask Cap or Buck."


"Captain Rogers, Sergeant Barnes. I am sorry to interrupt but something is wrong with Miss Kayla. She is not acting like herself and she has vanished from the tower." JARVIS had increased his volume to be heard over the sound of flesh hitting flesh. His cameras focused on the two supersoldiers who stopped their spar.

"Are you sure?" Steve was wiping his face with a towel now. He had looked towards the ceiling automatically like Clint had earlier.

"She left in a glowing purple vortex." JARVIS' tone held a sense of sarcasm. "I cannot locate her in any of the nearby areas on any street cameras, security cameras or other electronics."

"Fuck." Bucky swore, redoing his hair to get it away from his sweaty face. He had felt them being watched earlier but she had left quickly. He had thought maybe she was just checking on them.

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