Stars Go Blue

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"You okay?" Steve was holding his girlfriend close, lips pressed to the side of her head. He could tell she was out of sorts.

"We've been here for over two months now. I just feel a little restless." The deity sighed. "Bucky's arm is healing up finally and the arm Tony built for him is ready to be put into place. Then we turn him like us."

"I suppose that makes sense. You seem like you used to wander." Steve slid his lips to her forehead. It had been awhile since it had been just them and sometimes he missed it. Granted to his conscious mind, it had been only a few days that he had been alone with her but in Earth years it had been years. And now it had been months on the Earth Realm and they barely ever were alone.

"I did. I was wandering when I found you. This is the longest I've been settled in years." She admitted, sighing at the contact. The brunette leaned into his body, feeling the familiar gentle strength in his hold.

"I love you." Steve decided to say it now, cupping her cheeks and tilting her head up so he could press a soft kiss to her lips. "We could travel a bit. You and I. Just a few days. Bucky could stay and watch over Tony."

"That doesn't seem fair to him or to Tony." Kayla sighed softly. The idea did sound good though. She missed being with Steve.

"What if you went somewhere with me, somewhere with Bucky and then somewhere with Tony? Then you have individual time with each of us." Steve suggested. "And then you could get a little wandering done too."

"I like that idea. Man with a plan." She teased, watching him blush. "And I love you too. I really do, Sunshine."

Steve grinned before kissing her once more. "I'm glad you saved me."

"I am too. You changed my world." Kayla brushed her fingertips over his cheek and then just buried her face in his shoulder. She let him sway them back and forth, enjoying his warmth.

"Bucky's using Tony's gym and Tony is at a meeting. We have a few hours to ourselves." Steve sounded happy about it. He felt bad for feeling jealous of his best friend and of Tony but she had been his first. He wanted her all to himself sometimes.

"So we do. What would you like to do?" Kayla smiled softly at Steve and kissed him gently once more.

"Can I draw you?" Steve was suddenly shy. It was the first time he had asked her to pose properly for him. Usually he did quick sketches that he added details to later.

"Of course, Sunshine." Kayla nodded, intertwining their fingers. "Where did you leave your sketchbook and pencils?"

"The bedroom." Steve gripped her small hand tighter as they walked to the guest room that was their bedroom. Sometimes they slept in Tony's bed but mostly they slept in the guest room. He positioned her on the bed, her smiling at him for a moment before letting her face settle into its neutral expression. "Why are you about to cry? What did I do?"

"I'm not? You didn't do anything." Her face turned puzzled. "I just let my face relax."

"You looked sad." Steve frowned, moving closer to kiss her. It had worried him a bit.

"I'm not. I promise." Kayla soothed, enjoying the contact. She loved to kiss Steve.

"Okay." Steve nodded and moved back to his chair. He started drawing her, focused on making sure it was perfect.

They spent over an hour like that before Steve asked JARVIS to take a photo of the deity so he could use it to draw from. He set his sketchbook aside and climbed on the bed, kissing behind her ear.

"You look so gorgeous when you're focused." Kayla rolled to face him. "I could watch you draw for hours."

"Stop." He blushed faintly, hiding his face in her hair. He didn't take compliments easily.

"Love you, sunshine." Kayla chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his chest before the two settled into quiet conversation. They occasionally exchanged kisses and simply enjoyed each other.

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