They Don't Know About Us

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Tony answered his phone absentmindedly. "Playboy, genius, billionaire philanthropist speaking."

"Tony. The building is nearly done. There's just the stuff you wanted to do yourself left and the reactor." Pepper's voice came over the phone, letting him know that STARK Tower was nearly finished.

"Sweet. We'll be there in the next week then." Tony automatically included the other three who lived with him. They did a lot together and he had grown used to them being around despite having tried to keep walls around his heart.

"The other three are coming?" Pepper sounded a bit aggravated. They always kept her from yelling at Tony. Pepper felt they distracted Tony too much from his work and she didn't like it.

"Yeah. I want to show them modern New York." Tony hummed. He had already designed them a floor and filled it with things solely for them and no one else. He had also put a common floor under his penthouse and above their floor. He knew they would want to have a space for the four of them all to be. It honestly made him feel so good inside, made everything feel alright.

"Okay." Pepper hung up, gritting her teeth slightly. She was happy that Tony sounded more lively than he had in years but it rankled her that she wasn't the one who made Tony that happy.

Tony shrugged at the odd ending and had JARVIS send Pepper some shoes. He wasn't sure what caused her dislike of the trio but he felt more inspired than he had in ages. He didn't feel distracted and JARVIS had said his productivity had actually gone up and wasn't affecting his health negatively.

"Tony, I brought you some blueberries from the market." Kayla came into Tony's home office and set a container of fresh blueberries down. She often brought him little gifts like that.

"Thank you." Tony smiled, feeling any tension accumulated during the day just melt off. He opened his arms for the hug she gave him every time she saw him even if it was two minutes after the last time she saw him. His lungs filled with the sweet scent that was always on her, warmth radiating through him when she fitted herself into his lap and hugged him like that.

"How has your day been?" The brunette tilted her head, wanting to check in on him like she always did. She needed to make sure her boys were okay and that included Tony now.

"Been okay. Got some great news. My Tower is almost done. I just gotta do the stuff I want to do myself. And the reactor of course." Tony cuddled her, tucking his face into her hair for a moment. "I want to take you, Buckaroo and Cap with me."

"I think they would love to go with and so would I. It's very different going places with someone who actually has lived through the years and experienced life as a human in modern times. I do my best to fit in but it's hard sometimes but you've made it much easier." Kayla kissed his cheek. She giggled internally at the blush on Tony's cheeks. She had made it her mission to make Tony blush at least once a day by complimenting him in a way he couldn't brush off.

"Where are Cap and his Bucking Bronc?" Tony cleared his throat after a minute of scarlet faced silence. He was flustered by her comments and that made him oddly happy.

"Just came in from swimming. They're showering right now." The deity couldn't help but smirk at the lingering blush. She kissed his cheek again and hugged his neck. Humans were so weird with their aversion to affection. Especially how it was considered wrong for two members of the same sex to want to love and be with each other. It baffled her sometimes that humans could be so small minded.

"Ah... I'll ask them after then. How was your day?" Tony hugged the female tightly after a moment smile.

"It was good. Mister Happy took me to the farmer's market and showed me how to get good deals and the best fruit." Granted Kayla had done the same thing for years in ancient Greece but Happy had been so pleased to 'teach' her something.

"I'm glad. And you don't have to call him Mister. Happy is just fine." Tony was amused by her tendency to call people with Mister or Miss in front of their first time. Or their only name in JARVIS' case. The AI rather liked it though.

"You and Mister Happy keep saying that." Kayla's eyes twinkled. She continued to do it just because it amused Tony and Happy both. Anything that made Tony happy was automatically on her list of good things. She had similar lists for all her important people.

"You're so weird." Tony snorted after a minute and ruffled her hair. It was nice to have her and the super soldiers around. His house didn't feel so empty and lonesome. He always knew that any one of them would willingly spend hours of their time with him if he wanted.

"Yeah but you enjoy it." She laughed, tugging a curl of his hair. His hair was naturally curly when he didn't slick it back.

"I do. Keeps life interesting." Tony was suddenly aware that she had been in his lap for a long time and decided to gently nudge her up and stood in the same period of time. "I'm gonna work in the lab. See you later." He hurried off, blueberry container in hand.

"Poor emotionally stunted boy." Kayla sighed. She and her two had already discussed adding Tony to their relationship. All were on board with the idea and were attempting to display interest in Tony in subtle ways to not overwhelm him. They were currently failing to get their point across. She sighed once more and decided to go off and plot more on how to get him comfortable.

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