Wake Me Up

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Steve woke slowly, feeling warmth and softness surrounding him. His brow furrowed, taking in the sounds around him and his eyes slowly opened. He saw a simple room with faded wallpaper on the walls and an oak dresser that had some books on it. A matching nightstand sat next to the bed he was on and the footboard of the bed was in the same wood as everything else. It felt very calm and homey, soothing after being in a dreary place for so long.

He felt like he had just woken from a long sleep after finally getting better from one of his illnesses. Except there was no left over pain, no sweat caked on his body or rasping in his lungs that always seemed present. His muscles were relaxed and he was warm and sleepy still, lazily scanning his surroundings. The blond hoped this wasn't a dream and that by some miracle it was real.

He got up slowly, moving to the window which showed trees in the distance and a wide sloping yard with flower beds spaced equal distance apart in one section. He could hear birds chirping and see them too, all different kinds and not many one saw in the city. Steve noted the two doors in the room and moved to open them, finding that one was an attached bathroom and the other led to a hall. He shut the door again and looked around the room again, finding a pile of clothing that he must have missed on the first sweep.

The Super-soldier shook them out and found they were sized for him, including the underwear which made him blush. He took them into the bathroom and showered, using toiletries he found in the little closet in the bathroom. He shaved neatly, finding several days worth of growth on his face and he didn't want to look scruffy. He pulled at the white shirt that had just the right amount of cling to it and the comfortable pants that hugged his hips. Even his socks were extremely comfortable too with no holes or patches in them.

He frowned, touching his face and finding he had suddenly grown and bulked out. Had something been done to him while he was asleep? What had happened to his frail body that was often wracked with illness and fatigue?

Steve shook his head and combed his hair neatly, going out and then went out into the hall. The pictures on the walls were of places and nature that he had never seen the likes of. The floorboards were clearly old but well taken care of, shining as though polished recently and smooth with no chance of errant slivers that would lodge into one's bare foot. The wallpaper was bright and cheery along with the baseboards. He noted doors along the hall, all except two open. He made note of it and resolved to check it out after. There were halls leading off to other sections of the house but he stayed on the one he was on, finding a staircase leading down and he slid his hand down the silky wood of the railing.

He made it to the first floor and looked around, finding a wide open space with archways that lead to different rooms and then three hallways. He followed the one he could faintly hear sound from and stopped in the doorway of a spacious kitchen. The room was light and airy with dark cupboards, the walls a pale yellow and white paneling on the lower halves of them with wide planks of wood for the floor.

Steve watched a female with long brunette hair swaying as she stood in front of the stove, cooking eggs by the smell of it. His keen blue eyes took in her body, starting at the top of her head and moved all the way down to her feet. Her hair was in a long braid that brushed halfway in the small of her back, shining in the natural light coming from outside. He startled as her humming stopped and she spoke to him.

"You can come in. I don't bite." She hadn't turned around though, voice sweet and warm like this was their normal and that he wasn't a potentially kidnapped stranger. Steve shuffled in and sat at the table in the room, watching her curiously. "I'm Kayla. Kayla Crane."

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