Eat Your Young

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"Hey, Doll." Bucky purred as his girlfriend appeared at nearly two AM. He had strong armed the other two into bed about an hour before despite their protests. The former assassin moved to where the woman was standing, seeing the way she swayed on her feet. He gently cupped the back of her neck and guided her head to rest on his chest. "I gotcha, Sweet thing. Let's take a bath and maybe go to bed."

Kayla just made a quiet noise, letting Bucky take her weight. Her head didn't hurt as bad anymore now that she had been out of New York. Wyoming had been the most peaceful place she had gone to. There was barely anyone in that state and it had been blissfully quiet in her head. She wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck when he picked her up, making a questioning noise.

"I'm here, Kayla. I'm here." Bucky knew about being overwhelmed and needing space. That had been a big thing they had worked on in the beginning and even sometimes now he needed to be alone. He brought her into the master bathroom and ran a hot bath, adding the peppermint bath oil she liked.

Her clothes rustled as they hit the floor, landing in a pile by her feet. His clothes followed and he carried her into the massive tub Tony had installed for her. Because she was the one who adored soaking in hot water for long periods of time. Bucky got them situated on a built on bench and held his girlfriend close. He could feel the way she was trembling in his arms.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, words muffled against his chest. She was curled up impossibly small in his lap, seeming to try and merge with him. Her breathing hitched, a choked sob caught in her throat.

"You don't gotta be sorry, Doll. We all need alone time. S'not your fault we weren't seeing that you were overwhelmed." Bucky grabbed a handy shower head and carefully wet her long hair. "We're not mad. And if the other two knuckleheads even look at'cha funny, I'll knock em upside their heads."

"I love you. Love them too." Kayla relaxed as he carefully worked sweet smelling soap into her hair. Her eyes were nearly closed as he finished washing her hair and conditioning it. It was always soothing to her for them to play with her hair.

"We love you too." Bucky carefully washed her body after making sure he got a verbal okay for it. They may be in a relationship but consent was always important. He chose to simply wrap her in an absolutely massive Towel and sat on another bench to dry them off. Bucky kissed her head as he lovingly dried her hair. He used a little spell she had taught him and her hair was detangled.

"Can you braid it?" Her words were starting to slur a bit. She liked when he did her hair just as much as he liked when she did his hair.

"Course, Baby Doll. Anything for you." Bucky did a quick braid, wanting to get her into bed. He pulled some underwear on himself and her before going into the bedroom. Bucky carefully laid her down by Tony who was near the middle of the bed. Steve was currently spooning the genius, face against the top of Tony's head.

Tony mumbled softly, automatically wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. His body lost the last little bit of tension it held and his mutterings quieted. Kayla seemed to melt against him, already asleep.

Bucky sighed in relief, pulling the covers up and cuddling up behind Kayla. He threw his arm over the woman and the genius, hand ending up on Steve's arm which was around Tony. The Former Assassin relaxed, listening to the gentle breathing of his lovers. It was a peaceful sound that always helped lull him to sleep.

Steve woke up briefly about an hour later, sighing when he realized there were three people in the bed with him. It meant their lover had returned. He could tell she was sleeping deeply and he wasn't about to interrupt that. The blond settled back into his spot and fell back asleep, having good dreams again.

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