Saving Sergeant Barnes

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Steve woke alone which was unusual since he had been sleeping in his host's bed for the last six days. He had been there a week already. They had developed a routine of eating two meals together and doing their own things sometimes but always sleeping in the same bed. Usually she was still asleep when he woke up, preferring to go to bed later than the blond.

He got up and went to what was his room and got dressed after showering. He went downstairs and into the kitchen. The blond found a note that said she had gone somewhere and would be back later. She had also made him a huge breakfast, using a heating charm to keep it warm for him.

Steve pouted slightly, having gotten used to her presence around him and their conversations they'd have. He ate slowly, savoring the flavors and humming low in his throat. It always seemed like the food got better and better every day.

His plans for the day changed now, he had been wanting to hear more stories from his host. He had taken to sketching her while she spoke, seeming to catch her essence perfectly on the pages with each one. Steve started wandering the large house, exploring the other halls on the first floor and peeking in various rooms. He found a room with glass walls and a glass roof, it was a conservatory for her more indoor plants that weren't suited to the climate outside. He smiled to himself, sitting on a comfortable chair and drawing the greenery and flora. Steve stuck his tongue out slightly, frowning as he worked to get his drawing just right.

~With Kayla~

The deity adjusted her hat, making a point to fit in with the locals just like her target had and made her way to where she had seen him be picked up about a week in earth time ago. She hadn't realized that 30 years had passed since she had taken Steve but that was okay. Time didn't matter in her pocket realm. Her long hair was in a loose braid as she preferred it to be rather than loose as the style seemed to be.

Kayla paused, ducking into an alley and teleported to her rented room. She would wait until the night to take him. Thankfully the night in the Earth realm was irrelevant to her realm. Each 24 hour period (or one whole day and night) was five Earth years.

She settled in to watch the TV, finding the machine interesting and absently wondering if Steve would like one. She was sure she could use a little magic to get it to work in her pocket realm. Her eyes turned to the clock once it was roughly midnight on Earth and she stood up, flicking the TV off and taking a deep breath.

The goddess let her senses reach out, finding a huge blank spot that she knew to be where she needed to go. She teleported onto a secluded spot on the grounds and used a bit of magic to make herself look like one of the women working there before striding through as though she belonged there. The key was acting like you belonged and knew what you were supposed to be doing. She wasn't stopped at all and made her way to where she knew he was kept when not on a mission.

Kayla pulled out a handy jewel and simply pressed it to the pod, the person within vanishing into the stone. Her work complete, she turned and noticed the camera. The female used a very creative Greek curse word and then remembered she didn't look like herself so it didn't matter if she was seen. She carefully shut the door behind her as she left the room and made her way down the hall, the Asset was usually unguarded at this time of night during the shift change.

Bucky would thaw carefully in the red stone but remain unconscious until he was removed from it and she lifted the magic her stone used. It would take a few hours for her magic to lift naturally which is what she had done with Steve.

Kayla nearly had a heart attack when she almost ran into a person, back pedalling just in time to save her face. There was a tension as the two stared at each other, the older male looked to be in charge of some part of HYDRA. He clearly was assessing her silently and then decided she was new. She muttered the required greeting and went on her way, slipping out through an unguarded door.

Once clear of the facility, she made her way to her exit point and back into her hotel room. She would be taking a look at Bucky's mind once she got home to see if she could fix what was broken and if not her, then a friend of hers that specialized in the mind arts. She waited until morning and then checked out, paying for the hotel room and vanished once she was in a secluded place outside.

It was about about 10:30 am when she slipped into her home, going upstairs and into one of the unused bedrooms. She pressed the gem to the bed and Bucky's unconscious body was suddenly there, completely naked but thankfully unharmed. Her eyes narrowed as she took in his scarred shoulder and the metal prosthetic, knowing there was rotting flesh under it that was probably painful but unwilling to physically do anything quite yet.

She sat carefully, making sure the door was locked. Kayla opened her senses to locate Steve and check on his wellbeing, finding him in the conservatory drawing. Her human would always take priority over anyone else.

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