Through the Dark

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The four ended up on the helicarrier, taking seats all together and talking quietly amongst themselves. Steve and Bucky had automatically placed themselves on the sides of Kayla and Tony, subconsciously protecting them.

"And this is Doctor Banner." Agent Hill introduced everyone except the person they didn't know. She was pretty sure the woman wasn't even supposed to be there but the looks on Stark, Rogers and Barnes' faces said there would be hell to pay if someone tried to remove the woman with them.

"Doctor Banner. Big fan of your work and the way you turn into a big green rage monster." Tony grinned. He was looking around the room and squinted when he saw someone playing a game at their station.

"Thanks." Doctor Banner was nervous and clearly didn't want to be there. His eyes kept returning to the woman next to Doctor Stark. She made him a bit uneasy but he could feel something not normal about her.

"Who the fuck are you?" Director Fury stared at the woman, sweeping in just as dramatically as Severus Snape would.

"Kayla Crane." Kayla hummed, keeping a generic polite smile on her face. She already did not like Director Fury and would end him if he even looked at her boys in the wrong way.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Director Fury scowled. This was not part of his plan. His plan had been to force his boy band team together through a shared traumatic experience.

"Where they go, I go." Kayla kept it simple. She wasn't intimidated by the one eyed man. Zeus in one of his rages was much worse.

"Exactly." Tony smirked. "Where we go, she goes."

"Kinda like a buy three, get one free. Except we aren't for sale and we aren't interested in joining your team." Bucky put it bluntly, his Imperial Gold arm recalibrating almost silently as he stared at Nick Fury. "We're just here to deal with Loki and that's it."

"And to steal Doctor Banner." Kayla decided. She was curious about him. She could sense the other half of him but that wasn't what she was interested in learning about.

"Got plenty of lab space." Tony grinned at Bruce. "Give you your own floor too."

"We need to locate Loki. He's taken one of our agents." Agent Coulson cut in smoothly before Director Fury could have an aneurysm.

"C'mon, Banner. Let's go do our thing." Tony grabbed Bruce and took him off to one of the labs he knew was on the helicarrier.

"What do we do?" Bucky hummed. His day to be changed into a god like Steve and Kayla was coming up in a few months. He had wanted to wait.

"We wait." Kayla had no plan on showing her powers around SHIELD. She could feel the general malice from some of the agents and that their loyalty wasn't to SHIELD.

"I brought cards." Bucky smacked a deck of cards down and proceeded to play War with his girlfriend while Steve read the folder of information he was given. It was mostly things he knew due to Kayla and Tony's snooping with a few things that had just been found out mixed in.

"Stop cheating." Kayla snarked at Bucky, looking happy as she smiled at him. She wasn't mad obviously and her mischievous look said she would pay him back for the cheating.

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