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James set down his book, looking around the room that had been his for three days. He got up slowly and walked out of it, making his way downstairs and to the kitchen. The former assassin stopped in the doorway, looking at the couple and felt his heart clench. How long had he been gone for Steve to come out of his shell like that? The last time he had seen him, he had been ignored by a girl on a double date he had dragged him on before he (Bucky) was set to ship out. A small voice in his head told him that it had been about 55 years since the last time he had seen him and that a lot had happened.

"Stevie, can you hand me the eggs?" Kayla murmured, feeling James in the doorway. Steve turned and froze, breath catching in his chest.

"Bucky?" Steve croaked out, taking a step towards him but froze again. He remembered what he had been told and waited for Bucky to make the first move.

Bucky crossed the room, moving to Steve and wrapping him in a hug. "Hey, Punk."

Steve's eyes brightened with tears, clutching his best friend tightly and burying his face in his neck. "When I said that you were taking all the stupid with you, I didn't mean for you to be separated from me this long, Jerk."

"Sorry, Punk. Don't really remember what happened after shipping out but I'm here now. With you til the end of the line." Bucky reminded him, hugging back and stroking Steve's hair. It was familiar and calming to soothe Steve, reminded him of the rare moments when Steve let himself break down about his Ma.

"Til the end of the line." Steve echoed, plastering himself against Bucky even more. It felt right to hold onto his best friend.

"Gonna introduce me to your girl, Stevie?" Bucky let amusement color his tone. He had been spending a lot of time in his head recently and to his brain 15 years had passed since he was rescued.

"Oh! Yeah! Bucky, this is Kayla." Steve let go of Bucky and grabbed his girl's hand, tugging her closer. "She saved me after I did a stupid thing as she says. But it needed to be done."

"Stupidly brave..." Kayla muttered, looking at Steve with fond exasperation.

"That's Stevie alright. Getting into fights with people bigger th'n him." Bucky flashed a grin at Steve who was pouting.

"You two are gonna be a menace together." Steve sulked. "I need to stand up to bullies, no one else will."

"Thank you... For helpin me." Bucky spoke suddenly, looking at Kayla. He knew she was why he was at this place and in his mindscape a lot. "And for taking me to wherever here is and lettin me see Stevie."

"You're important to us, Bucky. And no one deserves what happened to you." She put a gentle hand on his arm.

"Can we eat?" Steve's voice was small, his stomach having ruined the moment by growling loudly.

"Yeah, we can once you give me the eggs." Kayla's voice was filled with amusement. Steve blushed and got her the eggs. "Making scrambled eggs and lots of sausage for breakfast. You're welcome to the coffee, juice or milk for something to drink."

"She's really good at cooking but she keeps it simple most of the time." Steve bragged, getting himself some juice and got Bucky some coffee. He filled the meal with chatter about what he's been up to since arriving arriving there to help Bucky relax which the former Winter Soldier was grateful for.

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