Burning House

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Tony woke up with a mouthful of hair and a knee digging into his thigh rather painfully. He could also feel someone's morning wood poking his butt and usually he would be all over that but he was upset about yesterday. He opened his eyes and realized that it was his girlfriend who had tried to suffocate him with her hair. The genius couldn't help but clutch her tightly, turning his head slightly to get her hair out of his mouth.

"Don't wake her, Doll." Bucky shushed him gently, startling the genius who hadn't even realized he was awake. "Let her sleep. We can talk about things later."

"Okay." Tony whispered. He could feel Steve stirring behind him, the soldier sleepily grinding against him like a horny teenager. The two had had sex a few times, enjoying each other's bodies. Tony couldn't help but arch his hips back, pressing against Steve's groin.

The blond moaned softly, holding onto Tony harder. He kept his eyes shut though, enjoying the last vestiges of sleep. He did not want to deal with the day.

"You two knock it off." Bucky growled quietly. "You're gonna wake Kayla up." He seemed irritated now.

Tony grumbled but pulled away from Steve as best as he could. He knew it was not a good time to be rubbing off on each other. But it felt nice to him and he wanted to release his stress.

"Sorry, Buck." Steve murmured contritely. He felt bad for annoying Bucky and nearly waking their girlfriend up. He reached over and squeezed Bucky's arm gently.

The three laid there for a bit until Tony's bladder decided to protest. The genius climbed over Steve, accidentally on purpose kneeing the Captain in the ribs for getting him in trouble. Steve whined quietly, rubbing the spot and then carefully stealing Tony's spot. He cuddled Kayla close to his chest while being careful not to move her away from Bucky too much.

"She got home about 2. She was dead on her feet, Stevie. I've never seen her like that." Bucky sounded worried. "She said she was sorry and then said she loved us."

"She knows we aren't mad, right?" Steve would be upset if she thought they were mad at her.

"I told her that but I don't know if she believed me." Bucky admitted quietly. "Then she asked me to braid her hair. Hasn't done that in awhile."

"True. Been almost a month, if I remember correctly." Steve tried to remember the last time he had seen them braiding each other's hair.

"Thereabouts, yeah." Bucky agreed. He was watching the woman in his arms for any signs of movement. Her face was perfectly still except her mouth which would occasionally half form words with no sound escaping.

Tony got dressed and made his way to the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast. He knew the Soldiers would definitely need food ASAP and probably their girlfriend as well. He had no clue when she ate last.

Kayla woke up about twenty minutes after Tony went to the kitchen. She just laid there, basking in the feelings of her lovers holding her. The Deity just snuggled into the warm bodies on either side of her and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey Gorgeous." Steve smiled at her and tilted his head to press a kiss to her lips. He liked the little sigh it earned hin and he kissed her again. "Feeling better now?"

"Yeah." She spoke softly, looking at the blond like he was an angel. "Head doesn't hurt now."

"We were thinking about moving, Baby Doll." Bucky wanted to gauge her reaction to the idea. "Tony's got some places a little more rural."

"But Tony just built the Tower and we have the penthouse? Or the Malibu house?" Kayla looked confused. She glanced between the two.

"Yeah but the Tower has SI in the bottom portion. And the Malibu house isn't where we want to be." Steve spoke now, rubbing her arm.

"I made waffles." Tony came in, looking proud of himself. "So let's eat first before any heavy discussions."

"Okay." Kayla crawled off the bed, wobbling for a moment as her foot caught in the blanket. She cursed quietly and then realized Tony was openly staring at her bare breasts.

"So beautiful." Tony stepped closer and kissed her softly. He wanted to touch but he wouldn't unless she said so.

"Love you." She rather enjoyed all the kissing. She heard Bucky and Steve's stomachs growling and she pulled back from Tony. "Let's go eat." Kayla suddenly had one of Tony's band t shirts.

"Yes! Before my waffles get cold." Tony grumbled. He pulled Kayla out to the table as Steve and Bucky followed. He did know how to cook. It just wasn't something he did often. He served them all plates before sitting with his own waffles. "Enjoy."

"They are good." Kayla was enjoying the waffles, finishing her stack pretty quickly. She ate another three after that and sat back, looking pleased.

"You look so gorgeous right now." Tony told her bluntly. He looked like he wanted to devour her instead of the waffles.

Bucky snorted at Tony. "Down, Boy. We have discussions to have before you go defiling a Greek/Roman Goddess."

"Ugh. No fun, Buckaroo. I thought Cap was supposed to be the stern one." Tony teased his boyfriends.

"Hey!" Steve protested playfully. He was amused by Tony.

"That little shit never met a rule he didn't wanna break at least seven ways." Bucky laughed quietly. "But seriously. Discussions first. Then maybe sex."

"I agree." Kayla spoke now, sipping some coffee. She had somehow gained one of Bucky's sweatshirts now and some long socks. "First off. I apologize for just disappearing like that. I should have told someone I was leaving."

"Yeah, you should have. But we understand that we all need to get Away sometimes." Steve nodded. "But you should have also told us that you were overwhelmed, Kayla. We could have gone somewhere. Or at least not freaked out because you were acting different."

"I know. It's just hard sometimes. Sometimes it feels like you've been with me for centuries, not decades or a year in Tony's case. And other times it still feels so new and I'm not used to relying on other people. Especially not when it comes to my health. I don't usually spend this much time in a densely populated area because the different aspects of my domain each pull at me. And sometimes it can be a lot." Kayla explained softly, eyes locked on her mug. "Lots of families being created or attempting to be created, lots of babies being born."

"That's why I asked about how you would feel about moving somewhere rural." Bucky glanced at the other two men in the relationship.

"We want to do something that will make it easier on you. I have the suit, I can use it to get to work or even work remotely." Tony knew what her objection would be because it had been said by Steve and Bucky as well. "Because, Sweetheart. You are more important. Especially your health. You may not be able to die but you clearly can get sick."

"I agree with Tony and Bucky, Kayla. I want to move somewhere that won't cause you pain." Steve looked at her earnestly. He was leaning forward in his seat. "Plus I think maybe it would do us all some good to get away from the hustle and bustle. Bucky and I did spend a lot of time in the pocket realm and it was a lot slower paced and not so loud."

"I could use a change in pace." Tony shrugged. "I've been on the go my whole life. Might do me some good to slow down."

"Yeah..." She looked a bit overwhelmed again and also like she would cry. She couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten with them. "Can I think about it?"

"Of course you can." Bucky promised her.

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