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" what the fu - damn , " i said coughing and pinching my nose. i woke up to the smell of something burning. i hopped out of bed and jogged down into the kitchen.

 " amiyah , what the fuck are you doing ? " i asked fanning the smoke and stink out my face and nose. miami was nonchalantly eating a biscuit.

 " i was fixing bacon , but then i forgot about it , " she said taking another bite from the biscuit and shrugging her shoulders.

 " were you at least fixing me some ? " i asked.

 " nope. it's plenty of bacon though, " she said laughing. 

 " fuck you , " i said laughing and snatching her biscuit. i was barely able to take a bite before crumbs started flying in my face from her snatching it right back out of my hand.

 " careful what you ask for, " she said dusting crumbs off of her joggers. i hadn't even realized she wasn't wearing a shirt.

 " and i'm asking for a biscuit now gimme some. " she laughed at me and handed me the biscuit. " here bruh. "

 " now was that so hard ? " i asked eating it. she looked at me and began sweeping crumbs off of my own face.

 " very. that's the only biscuit i had. " i poked my bottom lip out , making fun of her , and pouted.

 " awe , poor miy miy. i can go to mcdonald's and get us some mcgriddles. you coo with that ? " miami nodded her head and stretched.

don't look , kee. don't look.

i was just about to sneak a peak at her when she stopped stretching. i mentally shook my head and turned around , getting ready to leave.

fuck ; i was so close.

 " fuck you still here for ? i'm hungry , " she spat. i looked over my  shoulder like she was crazy.

 " and ? " i simply replied , shrugging my shoulders. who the fuck she think is ?  talking to me with like i was yesterday's hoe or something.

 " and when you leaving ? " she asked rubbing her hand down her stomach. she wasn't even trying to be sexy ; she actually looked annoyed , but of course my horny ass took it like she was trying to tease me by touching herself.

" ian going nowhere now. fuck that , " i scoffed throwing the biscuit at her feet and walking away. disrespectful ? you damn right. that's exactly what i was going for.

" yeah , you gon' pick that up , " she said looking at the biscuit and stepping over it. she made eye contact with me for a short second before bumping past me and sitting down on the couch. i looked at her in disbelief and back at the biscuit , wondering why the fuck i wasted some good bread on her ass.

" sure , okay , " i said. i walked past miyah in the living room and went straight to my room. i took a quick shower and lotioned up. i just threw on a pair of gray joggers and a red shirt. i tied my black durag back on my head and slipped on my nike slides. i slide my phone and wallet into my pocket and grabbed my keys , going towards the living room so i could leave.

" i know you ain't going without me , " amiyah said looking up from her phone. i just ignored her and unlocked the door.

" kee ? " she questioned. i ignored her once again and proceeded to leave. i left and shut the door behind me.


" hi , welcome to mcdonald's ! " the worker at the register said to me. i smiled at her and nodded head.

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