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 " what took you so long ? " AC asked sitting next to me on the love sofa.

 " had some ... issues ... at home , but it's settled now. what y'all been doing ? " i asked looking at kynya sitting in the corner of the long couch eating popcorn like a damn rat.

 " nothing for real. we just been eating and talking about some stuff. i was gonna take a nap before you came , but yaya don't know how to shut up. so if i start sounding like i'm not interested , i'm just ... " she yawned , " sleepy as hell. "

 " nah , it's cool. i'm sleepy myself , " i said stretching my arms out like a newborn baby. 

 " damn , you should have just stayed ho - "

 " NO ! i mean - i need to get out anyway. home gets boring when you there all the time , " i said chuckling nervously.

 " aye , " AC said nudging my shoulder. " you okay ? "

nope. not at fucking all. i'm hot and bothered , and the person i want the most is like 25 minutes away. plus , kynya's right there so you and i can't -

 " me ? oh yeah. i'm good. i'm ... just fine , " i said as my mind rolled back to what happened between miami and i earlier before.

 " you sure ? you keep spacing out , " AC said scooting a little closer to me.


i kept stealing glances at kee , and she was spaced out almost every time. i even tapped her once , and she didn't even move an eyelash.

 " i'm sure. i'm good. i promise , " kee said smiling at me. her eyes roamed over my face , and i could've sworn she bit her lip. i was beginning my sentence , but she cleared her throat and looked away when she found out she had been caught.

 " nah ma. you already been caught, " i said placing my hand on her lower thigh.

 " kynyaaaaa ? helppp , " kee pleaded as her face turned red. kynya looked at her and smiled with a mouth full of popcorn.

 " go ahead. i ain't watched porn in a while anyway , " she said with popcorn falling out of her mouth with every other word.

 " man fuck you , " kee said rolling her eyes. 

 " c'mon. she really is a porn addict , " i laughed. i stood up and held my hand out for kee to grab it. she laughed and grabbed my hand as i helped pull her off the couch.

i took her to my room and closed the door. 

" you look good as fuck , " i said already eye fucking her. you might not believe me , but i don't usually bring females to my room this quick especially a stud. i usually try harder with studs , but kee was really asking for it with the way she looked at me earlier.

 " i think i'll look better after i wake up , " she said with that wack ass nervous laugh she keep trying to pass off as genuine.

 " kee , if it's something wrong , you can tell me. that fake ass laugh you keep doing ain't cutting it , so i know sum' up with you , " i said climbing in my bed and propping my leg up.

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