hoseok is drunk

421 13 24

a/n I just tried spicy cheetos for the first time and my cocky self bragged about how they weren't spicy and that I could handle it then I ate another 5 or 6 and started screaming around the house as my mouth felt numb as it burnt 💀💀💀

toesrgudd69 EAT ME

10 seconds later

toesrgudd69 na do nut eat m

Lazydipshit what the-

YoucanJimINbutyoucantJimOUT he's drunk I can already tell

toesrgudd69 Jin

PrincessJin what

toesrgudd69 fuk me

PrincessJin no

PrincessJin I am a virgin

Yeetusfetusdeletus really? last night I heard some noises in your room Seokjin 🤡

PrincessJin .

toesrgudd69 eH

toesrgudd69 I luV meself evaN tho I loK lik a burnt chikN noogEt i dtil luV meself

Nampubes I have so much respect the fact that you are drunk and can still quote vines 👏🏻

toesrgudd69 wot r vins?

Nampubes I have now lost my respects for u


Nampubes 0-o

Junglemyballs um why is Hoseok in the corner of my room sobbing while holding a handkerchief and a stuffed elephant?

PrincessJin hormones

PrincessJin I mean what.

Yeetusfetusdeletus if u read the messages above you'll understand u fat bitch.

toesrgudd69 lol. butch

toesrgudd69 sombpdy giv me sum maths.

YoucanJimINbutyoucantJimOUT ok what's 1+1

toesrgudd69 no I mAnt math

YoucanJimINbutyoucantJimOUT yeah what's one plus one dipshit.

Lazydipshit BITCH

YoucanJimINbutyoucantJimOUT ....

Yeetusfetusdeletus he meant meth.

YoucanJimINbutyoucantJimOUT oH oH




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