a creepily attractive man follows namjoon// Profile updates

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sexybrain69 help

Jeoncena no

Gotdemjams jungkook you stubborn ass.

Rapemonster I'm being followed.

Iliveunderarock by who?

sexybrain69 a sexy man

Handsomeface 😔

Horseface Plamfroon you should like that

sexybrain69 omg my name is Namjoon don't test me hoe.

sexybrain69 this guy is creepily attractive but is creepily following me.

sexybrain69 oh wait never mind he came up to me and called me egg face.

Handsomeface well at least he doesn't speak bullshit.

sexybrain69 so u think I have an egg face.

Handsomeface um. maybe?


Handsomeface oh I remember that

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Handsomeface oh I remember that. Jungkook wasn't expected and I remember he came out like a poo that leaves no marks.

Jeoncena mum that's too much information pls stop.

sexybrain69 HAHAHAHA #tmi

Gotdemjams where am I?

Handsomeface non existent.

Jeoncena that means Jimin is younger?

Gotdemjams omg.

Taethegae Namjoon I'm considering your inner lesbian is coming out.

sexybrain69 I'm a man tho.

Taethegae exactly.

Iliveunderarock has updated their profile photo

Iliveunderarock has updated their profile photo

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Horseface LMAO EYE-

Gotdemjams 👁👅👁

sexybrain69 horny thot ^^^

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