Elegy: Mind the Gap

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I see your body, splayed out, sprawled across the track

Like stains of the metropolis upon the countryside so black.

A thousand woes, sat fat and comfortable upon your back

Pain, damp clothes and stress, the only things you didn’t lack.

I see the scars that the train and life have left behind

If your heart spilled out onto the rail what would we find?

The love, life and thoughts of a once great mind

But you lie here, death the last bill you signed.

I blame us, the rich who walked by your sallow eyes

Ignored those shrivelled hands, those last silent cries

Despised you as I despise, the shallow leaders who tell lies

They play with lives, gambling, mine and his. He dies.

See now how the crowd gathers round to stare,

Crowds gathered round to watch freaks at the fair

Humans are worse than beasts “yes as a human I dare”

To enter back and forth through the Devil’s lair.

The devil is in us, if God exists and resembles man in looks

Tis not he who’d spill blood and write the hateful books.

Which everyday worse than drugs and their deadly hooks

Leave half dead men hiding their heads in dirty nooks

Here you lie, body crushed beneath the wheels

I hear the engine, the screams and now the squeals

Of breaks. In those last moments what did you feel?

In those last instants, you and I we made a deal.

You’d jump? “Yes, right into the coming beast which rushed”

I’d tell your story, honour you, tell how you were crushed.

Now they lie, saying “He fell” the whole affair is being hushed.

Those liars, mock your memory, to protect the girls who blushed,

To see some handsome star, kiss a girl; cameras flashed,

Meanwhile as in drunken, sleepless nights you thrashed.

The world goes on, fashion smiles coyly, greedy, unabashed

Ignorant the fact that here a life, a heart was smashed.

Not by the train, but under society’s suffocating weight

No passion, no love, impervious. No feelings, not even hate.

But the blind eye, we ignore others. No dignity, scrape the plate

Eat the little scraps that life gives us, and with that we sate

The appetite for love and feeling which you feel for your first love

With the person, whom in your hungry eyes is a gift from above

The world again, renewed, reborn. Springs run. The water suave

A world of peace, of joy, embodied by that pure and lovely dove.

Yet to me the world seems tainted, as though under a curse,

Such shallow dreams and empty death, even the coming of life: birth

Causes no more joy, as it would have around the heat of hearth

No more pain hence no more joy, life’s too easy on this earth.

I smell, I see it written upon a thousand faces,

The same stench that stains a thousand places,

The same crime of a thousand unsolved cases,

It thrives now in all of our corrupted races.

The leaders, once mighty men who led their men to battle,

Now soft, weak and cruel, right wing. Shamed men who prattle;

Trampling the graves of “young men who died as cattle”.

Do you hear the train coming? Hear the tracks rattle?

In the light of lamps, your forehead is damp, your body shakes

Who were you? A whisper shattered and the question breaks

Upon my trembling lips and inside my whole soul quakes;

Your body emptying, drops those deep red snowflakes.

I see your body, splayed out, sprawled across the track

Like stains of the metropolis upon the countryside so black.

A thousand woes, sat fat and comfortable upon your back

Pain, damp clothes and stress, the only things you didn’t lack.

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