Free verse: Seashell

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Bleak, the future trembles,

Waves shuddering on the surface.

Men walk with heavy feet,

Struggling to make ends meet

The words I write,

The words I speak

Empty as shells on a beach

Yet in them, I hear the sea



Back to me

The sounds of unconscious infinity

She shivers, sighing as she treads

The golden sands…

On bright beaches

We sew

Our golden strands.

Waves                  Waves

Our words are washed away

The patchwork of dreams, unravels

Drifts out, vague…

Spirit floating on foam

Borne upon white horses and buried

In the horizons of eternity

All that remains

A cockle shell

In which a passerby may hear

Voices of the past whisper in their ear

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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