Chapter 36

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The power went out.
Suzuno sighed heavily. This was just what they needed right now. Tsunami switched on his flashlight, before handing the other over to the white- haired teen.
"This won't do. We need power." Suzuno stated and the other nodded "You think it's down at base too?" He asked.
"With how bad this storm is I would be surprised if it wasn't."

Tsunami wasn't sure what to do, they'd had power cuts before, back when things were normal, he remembered how annoying they were- such a trivial thing back then.
"Someone will need to reboot the generators to get the power up again." The other said lowly, thinking for a moment. They couldn't just sit here and wait for someone else to do it, besides there didn't seem to be any other people around for miles...
"I think I know where it is. I'll go."
"You think? Suzuno, is that a good idea?" The Captain questioned, Suzuno pointed his flashlight up at the vent above them "If I remember correctly, this shop is connected to the old mall, I'm pretty sure the generator's there. If I could just get it working again-"
"-But the place has been abandoned for years ever since they moved the new mall out of town- how do you even know the generator will still work?" Tsunami countered.
"It was powering the lights in the shop wasn't it? And the streetlights I presume. Either way we've got to at least try- if not for us then for the guys at base, they need power."

Suzuno looked around for a moment before spotting a cereal box in the corner of the room, he opened it up and handed the half-empty bag to Tsunami before ripping the cardboard into two pieces. "Tape." Was all he said before rummaging around in the desk drawers for some, Tsunami just looked on in confusion.
The teen finally found some, taping the pieces of card across the glass window panels in the door. "What are you doing?" Tsunami asked, hand subconsciously pulling some cereal out of the bag, Suzuno stood back from his work, he opened his mouth to explain but he just couldn't. After a few moments he found his voice "I just...well we don't want anyone to know we're in here..." he muttered.
'I don't want it to see us...'
He tried not to think about it, and how scared he'd been to look back earlier- he hadn't been able to confirm if it really was his imagination or-

A soft crunching brought him back.

"Sorry, didn't realise how hungry I was til now." Tsunami remarked apologetically, popping some cereal into his mouth. Suzuno just gave him a small smile "It's alright. We should save some for the trip back though. For the energy."
"I'll see if Someoka wants some..." The older teen turned to the other's sleeping form, about to wake him when he stopped himself "Actually...better just let him sleep." He muttered. It would be better to just let Someoka sleep as much as he could, at least that way he would be in less pain.

"Give me a boost." He asked and Tsunami hoisted the other onto his shoulders so he could reach. He pushed the vent up a bit until it moved out of place, and slid it along. He looked down at Tsunami who nodded before letting the shorter teen stand on his shoulders. Suzuno quickly pulled himself up into the darkness, struggling to get his breath back for a moment. He'd been stuck at base for many weeks now, he kind of forgot how physically demanding going out was.

"You really wanna do this? We can just wait until morning Suzuno." Tsunami's voice came from below. Switching his torch on to illuminate the path before him he peered down at the other. "I have to. This is the closest generator to base, there's a lot of stuff that depends upon power there. Besides, I don't fancy spending the whole night here without any sort of power, what if our torches die?"
The Captain sighed in response, he couldn't argue with the other.

"I'll call your name when I'm back, do not open it for anyone else ok? And keep your light low." Suzuno warned, pushing the vent panel back along its track before it fell back into position. "You think someone's gonna be crawling around in there?" Tsunami's voice floated up through the grate, Suzuno shuddered a little. "Let's hope not."

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