Chapter 25

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((Thanks for 1K views guys, I seriously appreciate it!))

((Also just a quickie, I was tagged by @Miibitlala to do this so here are my top 5 authors (this was so hard to do!)
5) teawithiggy - generally her books are amazing and I especially love her use of language which really transports you to a different world.
4) PikoPikoInterwebs - she's just a great girl and her books show such emotion that they make you want to laugh, cry and cheer at the same time! I love her style.
3) leticiaheartinazuma - there's just so much to love, a girl after my own heart, her style is fresh, funny and bold with many different types of books to offer.
2) SuzushiiSushiHetalia - what can I say? Their style of writing is just so beautiful and eloquent and I find myself never being able to put her books down!
1)@Bridget_Kirkland - an incredible author with such impeccable skills in painting beautiful scenes in your mind, their work also is so emotional and satisfying that I constantly find myself rereading the same books over and over again.

Now fly my unicorns!
I tag leticiaheartinazuma and PikoPikoInterwebs !))

The sound of feet pounding onto the solid ground resonated in the still atmosphere. The blue-haired teen looked cautiously around at their surroundings before giving the others the all clear signal. It was quiet. Almost too quiet. 'I almost wish some zombs would show up right now, this is way too creepy.' "Are you sure you're headed back? You could come with us, last chance." The blue-haired one said through the window. Handa gave a short laugh and rubbed his neck "Sorry, I can't." The other just sighed in response before turning back towards the group, as the brunette frowned slightly and turned the engine back on.

"Don't worry, I'll stay within the area, I need to find some petrol and water anyway, when you need to go just let me know. I'll pick you up." He said, pulling a walkie-talkie out of his pocket. The others just nodded as Handa straightened up, slightly eager to get going. 'Good luck're gonna need it..'

The chestnut-haired teen watched as the brunette drove off into the dusty haze. Everyday it got hotter, everyday it got dustier, it was only a couple of hours after dawn and yet the sun was already blaring down at him. The sky was a hazy yellow, only the smallest wisps of marshmallow clouds to provide some sort of shelter from the glaring sunlight. He imagined what it should sound like; a hazy, sun baked day, crickets sounding off in the distance as everything else remains still- yet this was not his reality-it was simply just silence. No signs of life at all. It was as if they were on another planet.

He cupped a hand over his brow line, trying to protect his eyes as he squinted at the now small, retreating black dot in the distance. Tachimukai turned around when he felt a firm hand land on his shoulder. "Let's go." Genda stated from the front of the group as they walked around the large white building, trying to find an entrance. Sakuma stuck closely to Genda, eyes constantly wandering around at the still surroundings. The brunette was about to advance around the corner when he stopped dead in his tracks; he held up his hand to the group as everyone pressed themselves firmly to the wall. There was sound, like scratching and pattering and the sound of bins being knocked over. Genda looked over his shoulder at Kazemaru, who nodded before grabbing one of the pistols off of his belt as quietly as he could and removing the safety. He took a deep breath and nodded back at the teen; before pushing himself off the wall and jumping out around the corner. There was a mixture of shrill squeaks as three rats raced out from where Kazemaru had disappeared, making Tachimukai jump as one skittered past his legs.
"False alarm." The blue-haired one announced, reappearing in front of the quartet.

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