Chapter 9

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"Hey you! Yeah you zombies! Come and get me! Come at me bro!" he yelled throwing a brick at the closest one and partially decapitating it. That got the zombie's attention - and fast. They all turned and headed for Fudou now, Tachimukai couldn't believe it,he saw Fudou look at him and mouth one word- RUN.

He shook his head, he couldn't just leave Fudou now, there was no way he would be able to fend off all of them on his own. Fudou looked at him angrily "Just go dammit! You can't let the others down, for fuck sake just go!" he shouted as he swung his metal pipe straight into an approaching zombie. The chestnut-haired boy looked down at the sack, they had a mission to do...
As he was about to turn and run something slashed through the air, inches away from his face, he stumbled back and fell.

One zombie had followed him, it was staring right at him, skin grey, scarred and bruised, it drooled at him hungrily and then suddenly attacked again, slashing down as Tachimukai had just enough time to roll to the side and out of its way. He'd never killed a zombie before and also it was only at that point in time that he realised he had nothing to defend himself with. He spied his weapon on the ground and quickly ran over to it and picked it up, the zombie stood in front of him and tried to slash him again. Tachimukai didn't react fast enough as it ripped through the skin of his forearm.

The boy wanted to scream but remembered what had happened earlier and let out a silent one instead. Hurt, he closed his eyes in pain, tears beginning to fall, the zombie became more desperate, slashing at him whilst Tachimukai struggled to deflect its blows one-handed. The zombie forced him backwards and he tripped, again. It lunged on him and without thinking he pointed the weapon up and the zombie jumped straight on it, it screamed out and fell next to him, grasping uselessly at the stake in its chest.

Tachimukai got up shakily and stood over the wriggling zombie "Sorry." he said simply, quite shaken, pulling the wood out with a sickening squelch. The zombie had stopped moving now. He grimaced at the sight, his weapon was now covered in blood which dripped slowly down, he felt sick.

He knew he had to go, he couldn't risk waiting around anymore, so taking one last glance at Fudou who was still hacking up zombies, he picked up the supplies sack with his good arm and slung it over his shoulder. Heading over the east side was safe, but it was longer and every step Tachimukai took hurt, his whole body hurt, it was almost unbearable for him to carry on.

He'd lost a bit of blood and he started feeling faint, his vision began to blur but he could still make out the base in front of him. He staggered towards it, weak now and exhausted. The door flung open and he saw everyone's faces, Tsunami was at the front and his smile soon fell dramatically as he took in the scene. Everyone began crowding him, asking him questions but he couldn't answer any of them. He began to feel numb, he lost all of the feeling in his feet, swayed and fell.

Luckily, Tsunami caught him just in time "Give him some air guys! Tachi? Tachi?" he said lightly patting his cheek, his eyes fluttered and closed again. Tsunami held him close to his chest "Quickly! He needs aid!" he shouted running upstairs with everyone following him, Domon grabbing the supplies sack on his way. They got upstairs and Tachimukai was laid on the hard wood floor, the captain held his hand. Fubuki ran over with the first-aid kit, he checked Tachimukai's pulse and sighed in relief that it was still going, albeit very slow. He grabbed a damp cloth and pressed it to the brunette's forehead, then proceeded to wipe his whole face in an effort to wake the boy up.

It seemed to work as Tachimukai opened his eyes slowly then tried to sit up, but failed. "What happened?!" was the first question fired at him, he couldn't make out who had said it as he regained his breath. "I -I tripped. The zombies, they h-heard me and came after m-me but Fudou.." he trailed off. Tachimukai shot up quickly scanning the group of people in front of him-Fudou wasn't amongst them.

"W-where's Fudou?!" Suzuno asked nervously- he and Fudou didn't exactly have the best of relationships but Fudou was still an important member of the team, and Suzuno hoped with everything that he was alright.

Tears began to stream down the young boy's face as he recalled the events "He saw them heading for me and he, and he d-drew their attention to him. They all went after him instead, well o-one didn't and I had to fight it, b-but as I left there were so many around him! It's all my fault and now he's out there all by himself!" he said crying as Fubuki tried to clean the deep cuts to his arm. The captain squeezed Tachimukai's hand tightly and pulled him up into his chest, rubbing his back softly in an effort to stop him crying.
"Aw Tachimukai I had no idea you cared so much!" came an all too familiar voice from Suzuno's walkie-talkie.

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