Chapter 24

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"I said, I wanna come with you Kaze." Endou exclaimed as his best friend just sat there in shock "Look, I'm sorry about earlier okay...I really am, everyone. It's just, I guess I was just scared and overthinking everything. But I'm tired of being afraid now, I want to make a difference. People have gotten hurt, people have...died and I refuse to let that happen again!" He smiled enthusiastically and Kazemaru sighed before giving him a small smile "Fine, I forgive you."

The excited teen sat down with the rest of the group, a new found fire ablaze in his eyes "Let's go get those damn zombies!" He declared triumphantly, looking around the small circle for support "Endou, we need answers first." Suzuno stated and Tsunami nodded in agreement "We need a plan first." Corrected Handa. Endou frowned "We can't just go in there, all guns blazing-we'll just die." Endou's frown only deepened "But-"
"-Endou, we need to be smart about this one. You die and all that'll happen is you'll be adding to the apocalypse force."

Genda cleared his throat "I think what Saka's trying to say is that we need to make sure we're prepared for anything that comes our way, we don't know what we're dealing with. If not, this is completely pointless." Sakuma looked over at his best friend "That's what I said." The Captain stood up, beginning to pace around the group "A plan, a plan, we need a no.." He mumbled ideas under his breath.

"Uh, hey guys?" Everyone turned to see Endou "Look, I know you guys keep saying we need a plan but think about it, we don't even know what's in the old labs, let alone, what info is left? So how can we possibly formulate a plan if we don't even know what we're actually looking for?" He'd made a fair point. Sure, it was all well and good to say that they were going out to find some answers, but that was all they had to go on-the off chance that the old labs may just happen to hold the key to the secret? You can't make a plan if you don't know what you're looking for.

"You see what I mean?" The brunette asked and the others nodded in agreement, albeit slightly hesitantly. "It seems Endou has a lot more to offer than we have thought." The icy-haired teen stated, Endou smiled, not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not. Kazemaru turned to face his friend eagerly "Then...what do you suggest we do?" Endou backed up, not enjoying the feeling of everyone's eyes upon him "I don't know! I was only saying that your plan wouldn't work!" He said defensively. "And...we're back to square one..." It didn't matter who said it, everyone was thinking it.

Sakuma sighed, they weren't getting anywhere with this and time was running out-for all of them. He glanced over worriedly at the rest of the group who were busy trying to come up with a plan, that wasn't a plan, but was still a plan. 'I have Genda, and as long as he's with me, everything will be fine. He's a strong a brave guy, he'll be fine-Tachimukai though, will he really be able to handle this? I'm worried about him... And then there's those two-their squabbling will only get them hurt, let's just hope they can keep it together for the mission, I don't fancy what the outcome will be otherwise...' "Saka?"

The boy was pulled out of his worrying thoughts when he felt the comforting touch of his friend, the one he'd grown to love over the years. He had nothing if he didn't have Genda by his side. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out okay?" Sakuma only smiled in response "I'm not worried...after all I have you..." The taller boy didn't quite know how to react to that statement, not that Sakuma minded though; he knew it was only a matter of time before his friend would truly understand.

Suzuno rested his head on his hand "Okay, so I know this has already been said but, I guess our only other option now is to...storm the castle as it were." Genda gave him a questionable look and the other reiterated "Go in all guns blazing and hope for the best." There was a general murmur of agreement before Endou piped up. "So wait, when Suzuno suggests that idea, everyone's all fine with it, but when I say it it's all 'Endou we can't, we'll die' 'Endou, we need to be smart about this' 'Endou-"
I'll drive you guys up there." Interrupted Handa, really not being bothered enough to listen to the other's rant.

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