Chapter 26

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It was a stupid decision to make, so stupid and the boy knew that, but he had to keep running no matter what. He had a truck! Water, food, somewhere safe to live, what the hell is wrong with you?! He couldn't listen to the voice in his head that was mercilessly shouting at him-he just needed to get as far away from those zombies as possible. His legs were already tired and heavy, his head pounding-he could already feel the blood starting to trickle ever so slowly down his forehead-it wouldn't be too long before he passed out...

"Woah." It wasn't an exclamation of praise, more just a recognition of the fact that the small group had never imagined that they would stumble upon such a treasure-trove of information such as this. It was impressive, albeit slightly disconcerting.

"Wow can you believe all of this? And they just left it all here?" Endou remarked as he took a look around the gargantuan room. Kazemaru sighed "I don't really think their intention was to leave all of this out-they must not have known what was about to happen Endou." The brunette in question just dismissed the other's remark.
'Those two...they're going to end up getting each other killed...' Sakuma thoughts, his thoughts were interrupted when Genda whistled over to the group, indicating that he'd found something of importance. "Check this out." Everyone gathered around as the boy proceeded to take down the various papers and cuttings that had been tacked to one of the walls. He flicked through them before his eyes landed on one sheet in particular.

"Was this what you meant Saka?" The other teen grabbed the paper, scanning it quickly before nodding his head solemnly. Tachimukai gulped. It had all suddenly got real. It really was the virus, and considering the bloody paw prints they'd seen earlier, it seemed Handa's theory was right after all. "Let's all take a quick look around, there's bound to be a lot of important information here."

It wasn't long until the chestnut-haired teen stumbled across something, something that chilled him to the very core. He slowly walked over to Kazemaru who was studiously reading some newspaper cuttings on the outbreak. "Um Kazemaru...I think you better see this..." Without another word the shorter teen handed the large file to the other. The other carefully opened the file, instantly being greeted by a picture that he really didn't want to be reminded of. "Guys, it looks like Tachimukai's found the zombie archive." Everybody looked at Tachimukai, mixtures of shock, fear and interest on each of their faces.

"Species: 'undead'
Category: 1
Quantity: 50+ at current estimates. It's definitely more than that now...
Location : duh everywhere
Infection toxicity rate: Highly infectious, transmutation time approx 24-36 hours
Danger level: low-medium
Status: Un contained
Information: Okay we know all about them, next."
Kazemaru handed the battered file to Sakuma who turned the page, grimacing at the all too-familiar photograph of an arm that had practically been torn to shreds. "Raptors."

"Species: I can't even pronounce that, let's just stick with raptor.
Category: 1
Quantity: less than 12 (two deaths in captivity)
Location: three in quarantined containment. I guess they lost the other nine then...
Infection toxicity rate: 0% (infection spread via virus mutation in candidates, no such knowledge on outside spread) "
"Candidates? I guess they really were doing some dodgy shit." Endou remarked, shaking his head. "Or, they were just trying to find a cure-and ended up creating a nightmare instead..." The youngest of the group stated solemnly, Sakuma took a breath before carrying on.

"Danger level: medium
Status: three in quaranti-yep, so they're un contained.
Information: Can reach speeds much faster than the regular undead, outgrown cartilage of fingers creates talon-like appendages...Ugh we don't have time for this lets just move on."

The page was turned once more as Endou quietly slipped away. He didn't want to hear about any more zombies, he was sick of it. Kazemaru noticed this but decided against saying anything-there wasn't much point. The page was turned once more, each of the remaining teens recoiled in shock as they looked at the picture that had been stapled to the sheet. It just looked so...inhuman, like nothing they had ever witnessed before. The way it stood on all fours, back arched like a dog, those terrible fangs that stuck crookedly out of their mouth, pupils dilated so much that they were now just slits-it fit only one description "This was the thing that attacked Domon. The monster." The group exchanged nervous glances before Sakuma took another deep breath from the decaying air, heading straight to the section which was disturbing him the most.

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