Chapter 8

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"A distraction, what kind of a distraction Fudou?" he said since he had no clue what they could do to make a clear path for the two. "Not to mention, the west side's most likely gonna be where the zombies head for Fudou, why don't you both head east?" He asked and Fudou quickly answered. "Splitting up is the best option, if one of us is caught, then at least the other will be safe. Tachimukai won't be in any danger, I will but I can take 'em" he replied confidently and his partner looked over at him determined, but still a little frightened.

Fudou couldn't help but give his partner a small reassuring smile, he wasn't so bad to be with after all. He sort of felt bad now for how he'd treated him earlier, after all he was just frightened; but there was absolutely no way that Fudou was going to tell him this though.
No way.
Fudou turned his attention back to the walkie-talkie, he could hear the others trying to come up with a 'distraction' "We could just throw a bunch a salt on 'em." Fudou heard Someoka say, he sighed at the idea "Whatever, just do something! If you lot don't think of something we're gonna end up as zombie munch!" he said and he could literally hear Tachimukai's heart start to race.

"Alright, give us a five minute head start, don't move until I give the order okay? Don't worry, you'll be fine, I promise" Tsunami's voice said "Yes captain." they both replied and Fudou just so happened to notice the red tint on the shorter one's cheek as he said it, he chuckled quietly and Tachimukai blushed even more.

It was the longest five minutes of their lives. They could hear an ear-splitting screaming sound outside but they had no idea what was going on, Tachimukai had actually managed to fall asleep at one point, which the brunette could not understand, his head resting on Fudou's shoulder which was starting to hurt a bit now.

"Okay guys, get going!" Tsunami said suddenly, making the boy wake up, a little startled. They scrambled out of the closet, their eyes readjusting to the light. Fudou crept over to the window, Tachimukai following close behind to take a peek. It was utter carnage outside: there were so many zombies, a few were already dead, the ones that were alive were hobbling around, screaming in pain and clutching their faces which were sizzling and smoking. Seems as if Someoka got his way after all. There was even one zombie that was on fire, although she didn't really seemed fazed by that at all.

They slipped downstairs and stood just behind the scratched up front door. Fudou took one look at his partner "Take the supplies and get to the base, be hidden don't let them see you, don't worry about me okay, just get those back." he said handing him the sack.

Tachimukai tried to take all of the information in, that was a lot to remember, he took one last look at the other teen- Fudou had been...kind of nice to him just then. He stepped outside. He quickly ran over and hid behind a car, mere metres away from a zombie. Tachimukai spied a nearby van, so he ran to it as fast as he could, as he did he saw Fudou creep out and run in the opposite direction "How are these zombies not seeing us, they're really dumb." he thought to himself as he neared the van, he wasn't looking where he was going and suddenly tripped.

He flew in the air and yelped, alerting the entire zombie group and Fudou to his existence.

He landed heavily on the ground, rolling sideways, scraping and bruising his body on the rubble-laiden road. He stumbled up, wincing in the pain that was coursing through his body. The zombies were heading straight for the injured boy now, Tachimukai froze in fear, unable to make his limbs move. He saw Fudou's face, his eyes widened in horror at what had literally just happened to his perfect plan. Tachimukai still didn't move, his eyes were fixed on Fudou, he saw the older boy look around frantically and then gulp and open his mouth to - no way.

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