Chapter 34

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It all just happened so quickly.
No warning.
There was nothing any of them could have done.

Someoka's screams ripped through the raging winds, the blinding rain, the thunder, everything.

Suzuno fell down to his knees, gripping hold of the other boy's face and searching for any sign that he was still there. There was no time to lose, no time to panic. He began chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth "Come on buddy, come on buddy, stay with me now, stay with me Max!" He kept going, stopping only for one moment to listen to the sound of the other's heart. He heard nothing.

No, it wasn't that, it was more the fact that he couldn't possibly even begin to hear something as faint as a fragile heartbeat over the deafening rain that overwhelmed his senses.

He never noticed it before but rain had so many different feelings- it wasn't just wet or cold it was chilly but refreshing, it soaked him but ended up feeling more like he simply had a wet blanket over him that he could shake off at any moment; it was loud but the persistent kind of loud that makes that loudness mellow out and just becoming deafening to the point where everything sounds the same grey pitch. It was unrelenting.

The four entered the nearest shelter they could make out through the darkness that had so quickly enveloped them. The place was not as bare as they had feared however, it had clearly been pillaged but; as their luck (if they could call it that) would have it they were too far out for the regular wave of vultures.

"Quick, let's grab some supplies." Suzuno ordered, trying his best to hold up Someoka. He'd stopped screaming now, he was probably too dazed for that, too much in pain too. Suzuno rather preferred the screaming actually, it gave him something else to focus on than the constant drone of the rain on the roof.

"Captain. Captain?"
Tsunami looked up, dazed too. He'd expected Suzuno to shout it the second time, after all they were really in the shit and he was just standing around being absolutely useless and-
"Tsunami, supplies...please." Calmly. The Captain wasn't sure how the other could muster such a voice in this situation, but it worked, he got a move on. They couldn't afford to panic right now. Not when Someoka and Max needed help, not when it was already so crazy-he needed to be as cool and as calm as Fuusuke.

"Just stay calm, just stay calm." That was all the Captain kept repeating, unknowingly out loud but that didn't really matter, it helped the two of them to focus, picking up can after can of good and supplies.
"Hey." Tsunami said quietly, Suzuno turned, arms full of cans and tins. "We could...we could make one hella big pineapple cake with this."
It was a joke, but the delivery was so sincere that the shorter male almost took it at face value.
"We have no butter." The other replied quietly, a small smile adorning his face in the pale darkness.

"Will you two shut up." Someoka rasped, leaning up against the wall, Suzuno was surprised he was even speaking- surely he was hurting himself more-it actually did hurt, it hurt so much.
"Guys." The Captain said, stopping in his tracks. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed, that Suzuno hadn't noticed either. Were they really that focused?
"What, what's happening?!" Someoka instinctively grabbed out for the closest person, but Suzuno wasn't there, he tried not to panic-after all he could still hear them. But he hated feeling like that, lost. He tried to shake it off, he sank further into the wall.

"Is he?-" Suzuno trembled with fear, the man just looked so still, so lifeless. He was so pale, like all the blood had been drained from his body.
Tsunami just nodded his head grimly, looking around the shop for a cloth, anything, to preserve the stranger's dignity. There wasn't anything of the sort.

He looked at Suzuno hopelessly "I guess we'll just have to leave him like that..." he mumbled, trying his best to steer his eyes away from the man's lifeless corpse.
Suzuno though, he just couldn't. He'd been cooped up in the base for so long he'd almost forgotten that the outside world was...well, that people had really died-no-that people were still dying. That wasn't to say he'd become desensitised to it at all, not in the slightest-it was still a very real, very dead body in front of him but; it was more like the teen had simply believed that there was no one else out here-still fighting. Still struggling. And ultimately, succumbing to the unfortunate situation they had found themselves in.

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