Chapter 17

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Domon saw the meaty hand come down and rolled away just in the nick of time. The lumbering mess looked down at his empty hand confusedly "Good thing he's not the sharpest tool in the shed at least..." Domon thought as he ran, more like hobbled painfully, away. "Where the hell is my gun?!" Domon half-shouted to no one in particular, all he could hear was a mishmash of screams, cries and gunshots. He wished he could just tune it all out.

Even though the horde was now thinning, Haruna and Jay were struggling, Toramoru was weakly fending off the stragglers; in a bad way due to fighting off Ichinose. And Ichinose? After his fight with the younger teen he'd proceeded to drag Aki's body over to one of the beds, and was now guarding her, shooting any zombies that got too close, Kurumitsu was now DEAD, Domon and Abbey were both severely injured, Abbey still under attack from the zombie, Kimiko and Elliot were both hurt and too weak to get up, and to top it all off they were all now stuck in a room with a huge, crazy, flesh-eating zombie. GREAT.

Haruna slashed at the now few zombies that were left haphazardly, Ichinose was the only one in the group with ammo left but he was too busy 'protecting' Aki to actually help on the frontline. She'd been the first one to see the 'thing' when it came up the stairs, it had started attacking the other zombies first and for almost a second she thought that maybe, just maybe, it was on their side. But of course, that was never going to be the case.

She threw a worried glance over at Domon who was trying desperately to reach Abbey, a severed hand flew towards her and landed on her shoulder but she didn't have the time to think about it. Haruna glanced over at Jay to see that he was ferociously taking the zombies down, left right and centre. She looked too long and felt a searing pain in her left forearm. It hurt a lot more than she thought it would and blood trickled slowly down past her fingertips, making small crimson droplets on the white tiled floor.

Domon's fingers finally touched the cold plastic of his gun. With a little difficulty the teen managed to prop himself up onto his elbows, since his leg was now out of action, and time seemed to stop as he steadied his aim. He opened an eye that he didn't realise he'd closed and then took the shot. It hit the zombie square in the back on the head and its lifeless body slumped to the ground next to the woman that Domon still didn't know the name of. The woman's eyes suddenly widened, Domon was confused, but she wasn't looking at him, she was looking past him. And that was the moment when Domon heard the sound, worse than anything else he'd heard before. The sound of bones being crunched.

It chilled him to the bone and he didn't want to turn around, the woman looked like she was going to throw up. Against all odds he turned around anyway, coming face-to-face with the beast; he really wished he hadn't. He saw a leg in one of its hands, severed clean off, as he looked up to the source of the sound he saw it; Kurumitsu was sticking out of the thing's mouth, upside down with his eyes still in their fearfully open state, his arms swung loosely in the air as the crunching teeth continuously bit down upon his torso, swallowing him more and more each time. It walked towards Domon who was frozen in place, not being able to train his eyes away from the horrific sight, this was it, there was no way they were going to win against something like that, no way. It was just impossible.

The teen didn't move, he'd seen all those movies where someone who was about to be killed just sits there, staring and not moving, whilst everyone watching is shouting at the TV frantically, telling them to hurry up and get out of the way. It was happening to him now, he screamed at his body to move but it didn't want to listen to him. It's beady eyes looked down at him and Domon closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable to happen but instead he heard a sort of 'kershunk' sound followed by a roar and a thud.

Tentatively the teen opened his eyes, the 'thing' was staggering around in a circle, clutching it's neck which was oozing blood. Kurumitsu's half-eaten torso lay on the ground in front of Domon, he held back the vomit. "Domon get out of the fucking way already!" He heard Haruna yell, running up to him, she tried to help him up, putting his arm around her neck for support. The huge zombie stopped staggering and now faced the two, enraged. It grasped at its neck and pulled out the tiny axe, the axe Haruna had lobbed at it "Oh shit, Haruna I think we just made it more angry!" Domon yelled, fearful now.

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