Chapter 15

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Domon looked horrified at the scene before him, he was merely metres away from the giant zombie horde that was currently flooding into the abandoned hospital "How did they get here before me?" He whispered to himself as he tried to figure out the safest route to take-he knew his friends were in there, he knew he had to help them.

The teen crept slowly out from his hiding place and sprinted over to a large dumpster, he peeped out and noticed that the zombies were still attacking the hospital, it was like they were a hive mind. Something was wrong, very wrong.

However Domon pushed that thought out to the back of his mind, he couldn't afford to be psyching himself out now. If he could just get around the back he could get up through the fire exit, rescue his friends and then they could all leave, seems simple enough. But Domon knew it wouldn't be easy, they would have to get rid of that horde first and he didn't exactly have high hopes for that, not to mention he only had one tiny gun. He would at least have to try though, what are friends for eh if not to risk death by zombies for you?

He summoned up all his courage and ran out from the dumpster, skillfully avoiding objects in the road before he made it to the back of the hospital, thankful that the zombies were too preoccupied to notice him. His smile fell though when he noticed there was a huge mountain of rubble blocking the door. "What the?! What kind of a fire exit is this?" Domon whispered angrily to himself.

Suddenly he heard a gunshot, followed by a series of shrill screams. He had to move quickly, he started tearing away at the planks of wood and metal pipes, there was a giant slab of concrete which he pulled at, shredding his palms but trying to ignore the pain. He heard another scream and desperately pulled again at the concrete but it wouldn't budge.

Haruna pulled away the tiny axe from the fire alarm and ran over to the door that Ichinose and Abbey were desperately trying to keep shut. Their barricade wasn't strong enough to hold off this many zombies alone. Kimiko and Elliot were sobbing at the back of the office, whilst Toramoru and Kurumitsu tried to calm them down.

Zombie arms reached through a small hole in the door as Jay continuously shot at them "Hey don't waste your bullets we're gonna need them!" Ichinose shouted as he jolted from another zombie trying to barge in.

"Well what do you want me to do?!" Jay shouted back angrily, before Ichinise could retort Abbey screamed-a zombie hand peeped out from underneath the door, fingers reduced to bone now. She stamped furiously on it, trying to ignore the sickening crunching sound it was making - but she'd let go of the door and now a zombie had managed to get it's arm into the room.

Abbey screamed as the children screamed too, she pressed up against the door, watching as the arm wriggled around thrashing to and fro. Haruna stood in shock, unable to move as the two pushed harder against the door, now helped by Jay.

Suddenly there was a horrible snapping sound as the arm clattered to the floor, Haruna wanted to throw up. Then it moved. Kimiko screamed as it scuttled towards her, lopsided with black blood oozing out of it. The grey fingers grabbed onto the little girl's trainers just as Haruna brought the axe down heavily upon it, severing its hand. Finally it stopped.

Kimiko hugged Haruna tightly, crying into her jacket. "We have to get out of here now!" Jay yelled, moving away from the door and over to the desk. "Are you crazy? Where are we going to go, all of the exits are blocked!" Abbey shouted, looking fearfully over to her son. Jay searched through a draw then smiled as he pulled out a large roll of paper.

"Take a look at this." he said whilst unrolling the paper on the desk, Ichinose and Abbey strained to see it. "This is where we are, second floor, first wing. There's a set of double doors just across the next ward." Kurumitsu nodded, remembering the doors from earlier. "If we can get past them and barricade them we can take a left across the heart wing and run down the fire exit since the first floor's probably swimming with zombies." Jay continued, Haruna shook her head though "But the fire exit's blocked!" she said.

"So even if we somehow make it down in one piece we'll still be trapped?" Abbey asked. "Well, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it..." Jay announced solemnly. Everyone looked around at each other, regrettably this was their only option right now, these zombies would eventually get in and they would all be dead.
"Fine, we'll do this your way."

"Okay, so here's the plan, on my say so you guys'll lift the barrier and me and Abbey will push the desk into the zombies giving everyone else time to leg it down to the double doors. Once we're through, barricade the doors and we'll all head to the fire exit got it?" The others nodded their heads at Jay, this was it, it was now or never.

Haruna, Ichinose, Kurumitsu and Toramoru stood anxiously by the door, the youngest's heart beat furiously in his chest as he tried to calm his nerves, Haruna placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled reassuringly at him "Don't worry we're all going to make it, I promise. Toramoru however, wasn't convinced.

It all happened as a kind of blur. The barricade was removed, the desk was flung at the zombies, they all ran. And then there was a scream. Toramoru looked back to see Abbey on the floor, she was desperately trying to kick a zombie away from her as it tore into her right leg. Jay was shooting the advancing zombies, he turned around hastily to face the others "Just Go!"

Elliot cried out for his mother and tried to run to her but Haruna grabbed him and held him tightly, determined not to let him go "No m-mummy mummy! L-let m-me go, mummy!" He yelled and thrashed about as tears rolled down his face. Haruna couldn't bear it, she wrapped a hand around the young boy's eyes and with the other she grabbed Kimiko's small hand, running off with the two children.

She knew she had to help the others, but she had to protect the children too, she spied one of the hospital beds and ran towards it. "You two stay here okay? Don't worry about the rest of us, we'll be fine. But if it all goes bad run to the exit like we said okay, it won't go bad though I promise!" The teen said as she ran back, Kimiko hugged Elliot as he sobbed.

Jay had managed to kill the zombie that had been attacking Elliot's mum and she hobbled away. Toramoru grabbed her hand and helped her up just as Ichinose and Kurumitsu opened fire as Jay jumped out of the way of a huge zombie. Haruna rushed over "Toramou! Help me push this bed into those damn zombies!" She screamed and the other hastily complied, setting the woman down whilst he ran over to one of the beds.

Together the two rammed the heavy bed into the zombies "Now take Abbey to the children Toramoru!" Haruna yelled as she swung her axe at an approaching zombie. Toramoru didn't object and ran over to the woman who was trying to hold herself up, she fell but he grabbed her just in time.

Blood seeped from her leg as the flesh hung off in strips, Toramoru tried not to look as he tried to drag the woman over to safety "I d-don't think I can do this..." she muttered as she looked up at the struggling boy, a lopsided smile on her face. Toramoru remembered his mother's face, the pain so much pain-no he couldn't just allow her to give up like she had, Elliot needed his mum. "Please, you have to try. You can't let your son down, he needs you, I won't let you just give up on him!" Toramoru shouted, tears in his eyes. Abbey closed her eyes and nodded "Alright, let's do this."

Just as the teen managed to drag the woman over to the children, a scream was heard, Toramoru whipped around a gasped in horror. Kurumitsu clutched his shoulder in agony as a he fell down, writhing on the floor in pain. Ichinose lifted his gun but faltered as he saw the zombie that had bitten the boy. Aki.

But she was not the sweet, kind-hearted childhood friend he'd known and loved-she was a monster now; scarred, grey, her eyes now bloodied pits, her left leg partially broken off and facing the wrong way-evidence of her fall. She hobbled over as Ichinose refused to move.

"Ichinose shoot her! It's not Aki anymore, you can't save her! Jay do something!" Haruna yelled as she swung her axe and looked over what used to be her friend. "I'm a little. Busy. Right now!" Jay, who had run out of bullets and was now fighting off zombies with his rifle, replied. Ichinose shook as she came closer "B-but I love her, Aki I love you! I love you! I lo-"
Suddenly Aki's body slumped to the floor, just centimetres from Ichinose's quaking body.

"Boom headshot!"
Everyone turned to see Domon standing there, a wide smile on his face.

((Hey I'm back! Ahh it's been so long, I've still got 2 weeks of exams left so I'll still be doing slow updates. Thanks for all your support guys.))

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