Chapter 6

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"Fine. Tachimukai will accompany you then, no more questions. Hiroto, Matsuno come with me, everyone else...go do something useful." and with that he walked off, the other two quickly got up to follow him as everyone else just stayed sitting down, slightly dazed. Fudou took one glance at Tachimukai who was now pale and trembling. "No way! Captain!" he shouted running after the pink-haired one. Tsunami stopped and turned around, catching Tachi's terrified face. Then facing Fudou's horrified one.

"Don't make me go with him! He'll probably get us both killed, I mean look at him! I'd rather take my chances alone thanks, I don't need any dead weight!" he exclaimed harshly and Tachimukai's face fell. "You really shouldn't doubt people Fudou, and I gave you BOTH an order so you shall stick to it, we are a team..." Tsunami hesitated slightly then carried on "...a family, we stick together, whether you like it or not. Do I make myself clear?"

Fudou just stood there, as everyone else in the room stayed silent, eavesdropping on the conversation. Tsunami walked past Tachimukai, stooping down and whispering something in his ear, before straightening up and patting him on the head walking off. The brunette's face seemed to light up slightly as he did. Soothed by his captain's words, Tachimukai walked over to Fudou. "We should get going." he said and Fudou eyed him up for a second, sighed and turned away from him "m'kay".

The taller of the two walked over to 'his corner' and grabbed his metal pipe, as well as his pocket-knife. Tachimukai only had a small knife, Fudou huffed and thrusted a sharpened piece of wood that he had been whittling into the smaller's hands.

They were about to leave when Tsunami hurried over to them. "Tachi, ummm you should take this with you, it'll bring you good luck." he said opening the pocket of his camo jacket and pulling out a small object. it was a necklace, with a small wooden carving of an angel and blue beads on either side of it. He held out his friend's hand, placed it inside and enclosed his own hand over it.

"Please, be safe, both of you." he said looking between the two of them. Tachimukai wanted to protest about what Tsunami had given him but Tsunami shook his head, knowing what the other was thinking.

He saluted them both and they did so back before they walked downstairs and left through the heavy door. The captain sighed "I can't protect him now..." he thought to himself sadly. "Captain?" Hiroto asked and Tsunami quickly pasted a smile on his face and turned towards him. "Ah! Matsuno, Hiroto follow me."

((Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be doing very slow updates because I am in the middle of exams. I really appreciate the support and I promise to get back up again once my exams have finished! Thanks so much for the support guys I appreciate it! xx))

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