Chapter 1

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A slow and eerie murmuring filled the town. Everything was still, abandoned, with no hope for salvation anymore. A tattered kite flew aimlessly along in the light breeze before getting ensnared in a tree, wriggling around trying to get free, but it would never get out, no one would get out...

It had been three months since the accident, the accident that had caused all of this; but that didn't matter now, all that mattered was survival.

"They're so dead." exclaimed Fudou leaning back in his chair, his bandana lying loosely over the back of it. "Stop saying that!" Tachimukai said nervously from the window where he was watching guard. He turned to face the other and tried to seem confident in front of him. "Well it's true. It's been five hours since we last saw them - we're probably the last ones alive." Fudou remarked, now slowly spinning himself trying to cure his boredom.

"Oh shut up Fudou. Stop saying all that shit, as soon as I fix this damn radio connection I can get us all connected again." Suzuno said from underneath the computer table. Tsunami placed a firm hand on his friend's shoulder "Yeah it's gonna be alright, they'll all be fine I can assure you."
"Ouch! CRAP!" Suzuno shouted loudly waking up Kazemaru who was asleep on the tattered couch. He emerged from under the table waving his hand furiously in pain "Coms is down completely and I can't fix it without the right parts." Suzuno said inspecting his hand as he spoke, it was only a small zap- no damage luckily.

Fudou got up from his chair pulling his bandana off with him and tying around his head. "Well then Suzuno, not much we can do- that is unless you want to go on a suicide mission like the others to get supplies." he said walking over to Suzuno who scowled at him. "Cause that's just what it is isn't it! You guys just don't want to say it do you? If you'd just listened to me they wouldn't be out there!" he continued shooting a glance at Tachimukai who looked at the floor. "Oh yeah! Well if it wasn't for us you'd probably be dead you idiot!" Someoka shouted storming over from the corner of the room to Fudou.

He grabbed the shorter male by the shirt and lifted him off the ground, Tsunami grabbed his arm, restraining him. Someoka was strong, but Tsunami was much stronger. "We don't need any fights here guys, we're supposed to be PROTECTING each other in case you've forgotten." He said calmly, but he sounded stern and serious instantly making Someoka drop Fudou and walk away grumbling. Tsunami shot Fudou a warning look and then walked back over to Tachimukai.

Kazemaru felt his head and then retracted his hand, hissing in pain. "Don't move around too much, you took a nasty blow to the head, you need rest." Fubuki said who was sitting on the floor in front of him rolling up bandages. "Ugh, how long was I out for?" Kazemaru groaned trying to sit up, only to have Fubuki push him back down again. "A few hours. Now please rest." he explained getting up and placing the bandages in their make-shift first-aid kit.

Kazemaru sighed and closed his eyes, but the pain made it impossible to sleep so he just ended up starring at the ceiling wondering how the others were doing...

((Okay guys so this is the end of this chapter- I know it's super short but that's because of technical difficulties, there will be much longer chapters in the future.

I really hope you liked it and don't forget to check out my other books too! Love you guys! ))

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