Chapter 27

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"Hey don't you start with all that all that shit again Kaze, I don't see you coming up with anything to help us!" Endou spat, fed up with the other's attitude towards him lately.
"Oh yeah?" The taller make replied, moving closer to the brunette. "Um guys, now's really not the time-" Tachimukai tried to interject but failed miserably as the two started arguing yet again.

The couples' bickering was finally put to an end with Genda smacking his fist against the door "Enough alright! Could you two be more annoying right now?"
"I agree with Gen, there's no way we can fix this mess with you two squabbling like an old married couple!" Sakuma stated, one hand still subconsciously linked with his friends'. Endou turned away from Kazemaru as the other just sighed. "So now that that's all sorted out..." Tachimukai began before Kazemaru took over.

"Is there any way to open the door from your side?" Sakuma tapped the broken keypad "Not too sure, the keypad's busted-not that we knew the code anyway..."
Kazemaru gave his friend a look 'and who's fault is that?' which the other just reciprocated before folding his arms "Can't you just bust it again?" He asked. "I doubt that would work a second time, but good idea anyway Endou." Tachimukai added quickly, really not wanting another argument.

The teens didn't know what to do "There must be some way out of here, a key card or something? Perhaps one of the scientists dropped theirs? Genda, Sakuma; take a look around." Endou stated and Kazemaru just sighed "Well that would be a serious coincidence-"
"It's better than just sitting in here Kaze." The other growled. "I guess you've got a point." Kazemaru stated, leaning up against the wall.

Sakuma stayed put whilst Genda searched the room they were in; they'd searched the room before but something like a keycard could have easily been missed. The brunette popped his head underneath one of the lab tables, sighing when he found nothing of importance; just as he was about to give up he noticed something out of the corner of his eye-something that resembled the exact object they were looking for. Genda got to his feet, happily running over the item that lay on the floor next to a large object covered with a cloth. He wasn't looking where he was going, and as a result, did not see the blood splatter-until he slipped on it, sending him tumbling into what felt like a brick wall.

"Uh you okay?" Sakuma asked, trying not to laugh at his friend's utter failure. The brunette groaned, grabbing onto the cloth to help him up, pulling it down in the process. He looked up, being greeted by a large wooden box, about the height of an adult man. Genda stared at in for a minute before taking his eyes off and instead turning his attention to the thing he had actually been looking for.
But in his fall he had managed to kick the small card-the group's only shed of hope-under the wooden box that towered above him.

"Everything alright Gen?" Sakuma asked, realising that something was definitely up. He walked over to the other teen; taking a curious look at the box before being suddenly dragged down to the floor where Genda was currently sitting, cross-legged on the floor, eyes downcast. Sakuma put a hand on the other's cheek, not liking how distressed his friend looked "Gen, what's wrong? Are you hurt, did you hurt yourself when you fell?"
The other turned to the shorter male, a sad expression on his face "You know that feeling realise you've just screwed everyone over?"

Genda suddenly grinned brightly, ruffling the other's hair "Ha, I was only joking, well...I did technically screw us over, but that's easily sorted out-here, give me a hand with this will you?" He said scrambling to his feet. Sakuma stood up too, rather confused, and flattened down his soft teal hair before finally understanding what the brunette had meant. "Your so clumsy Gen, you know that?" The other smiled happily before putting both hands underneath the box, Sakuma doing the same "Lift on three?" The shorter male asked and the other nodded. "One, two, three-" the shorter of the two immediately dropped the box, it hadn't even gotten a few centimetres off the ground yet. Genda, stumbled without the other's support, dropping the box with a sickening thud sound; he looked up breathlessly at his friend who had a hand over his mouth, a terrified expression on his face.

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