Chapter 32

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((Hey guys! Sorry for being so inactive lately! I've had a ton of work to do before Easter and just had no time to update-also it was my birthday so yeah I'm now an adult, anyway thanks for being so patient guys.

CW: depiction of death))

A lone marble rolled across the scratched floor, diving in and out of the swathe of boots as it made its way over to the white-haired teen who was lying flat on his back, thoughts unraveling with the oppressive heat of the day.

"Hmm?" He mumbled when he felt the cold object touch his bare arm. "Oi." the teen looked over to see two scuffed boots heading towards him.
"Got anything yet?" the fiery red-head asked but the other shook his head slowly, lifting an arm to reveal the walkie-talkie "Still nothing." Both males sighed.

"You look shattered Fuusuke." Nagumo observed, kneeling down next to the other.
"This was my job, you know, and I can't do anything. I feel like shit." he replied dejectedly, he hated it; his friends were out there, in the blistering heat, facing who knows what, and he was stuck in here not being able to contact them, not being able to help.
"We should have sent out a search party, hours ago." a third voice chimed in, Suzuno looked up to see Midorikawa standing before him.

Nagumo nodded, grumbling slightly but the 'Comms Man' didn't give any response-he didn't want to think about it. It was practically out of the question; no one knew exactly where the group had been headed, on top of that was the heat-they'd all be baked alive out there, half the group was already asleep and many more were dozing off as each minute droned on. Their Captain seemed to be the only one who hadn't succumbed to the elements.

Something clicked in the white-haired teen's brain, come to think of it...where was the Captain? Suzuno had seen the other earlier, walking off with the new guy, but that was well over an hour ago...
Why hadn't he come back yet?
He would've dwelled on that thought longer had it not been for his friend's remark "Hey...are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired-" Suzuno replied before realising it had not been himself that the fiery redhead had been addressing.

"Oi Ryuuji, you don't look too good..."
"Hwah?" The shortest asked, bringing a hand over his forehead "Oh. I don't know, I-"
"You don't look good at all, are you feeling alright?" Suzuno countered, taking on his friend's appearance; the slight greenish tinge to his skin, his paling flushed face, the somewhat unsteady stance he held. Midorikawa wiped his forehead, dragging in a breath. "I think it's just this heat, I'm fine..."

"No you ain't, you need to lie down or something you look really ill."
Midorikawa wanted to protest, but with the exhaustive heat he just didn't have the energy. "...alright I'll...I'll just go lie down for a bit..." he muttered, stumbling away.

Nagumo watched his friend leave before turning his attention back to the beautiful teen in front of him. He smiled before crawling on top of the other, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead "Ah I love you, you're so beautiful." He whispered.
"Beautiful? Haruya, I'm covered in dirt, dripping with sweat and I stink, what's beautiful about that?" Suzuno retorted as his friend gave out a chuckle.

"I don't care about that Fuu as long as you're mine. And I know it's like a bazillion degrees, but you're still making me feel hot baby." He said with a grin.
"I really don't think now's the best time to be flirting with me Haruya. Even though I do love it." The other male said with a smirk, reaching up to lock the fiery redhead into a passionate kiss. The two pulled away when Fudou started making gagging noises, chuckling to themselves.

"This is yours?" Suzuno asked, holding up the marble that had first caught his attention, Nagumo nodded and the other smiled "Better go get it then."
And with that the teen flicked the small marble across the room, smirking. The marble weaved itself across the room once more before pinwheeling down the steps towards the garage.

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