Chapter 4

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Arata's hair was messy and dirty and his clothes were tattered but he smiled with relief that Handa knew who he was. The brunette grabbed the other's hand and pulled him over to the pick-up. "Hop in." he said and Arata climbed into the trailer, sitting down next to Sakuma who swiftly introduced himself, followed by the other two. "Let's go!" Handa exclaimed as he got behind the wheel again.

They drove along in relative silence, just listening to the sounds of the stolen truck trundling over the rubble. Suddenly Sakuma shot up "Stop the car!" he shouted startling everyone, Handa immediately floored the brakes and looked over his shoulder. "What is it?" he asked. "We just passed Kidou and the others! Quickly go back!" Sakuma shouted and Handa backed the vehicle in reverse before making a U turn and speeding over to where Sakuma was directing him.

Soon five figures came into view, they were crouched behind a wall and turned around at the sound of the approaching car. "You guys! How did? Where?" Endou said staring in disbelief. "No time. Get in!" Sakuma said with a smile as Kidou's group quickly jumped in.

They finally arrived at base and the heavy door was opened for them. Handa parked the truck next to the van as everyone crowded around them. Midorikawa had his arm around Hiroto's neck and Kazemaru was holding onto Fubuki for support. "Genda!" Sakuma and Kidou said at the same time, hugging their friend. "Uh hello? Am I invisible?" Fudou remarked and Kidou just smiled. Tsunami walked over to them "Well done, I see you were successful in your mission then." he stated looking at the large sack of supplies. "Well it was all these guys really." Endou said rubbing the back of his neck. Tsunami shrugged his shoulders and carried the huge bag upstairs.

"We went to a supermarket first for the food and medicine as well as some other things, there were still a few things left.
There was a garden centre nearby too so we got some weapons as well- that's where I found the truck." Handa replied as Tsunami placed the giant bag on the ground. Inside was a mountain of tins, cans and long-lasting packet foods. The food was stacked up ready to be put in storage later. Handa pulled out the much needed medical supplies and handed them over to Fubuki who smiled and walked over to Midorikawa with them. "It's time to get you properly fixed up Midorikawa." he said, noticing that blood was starting to seep through the thin layer of bandages around his chest.

Another, smaller bag was pulled out, it contained batteries, torches and a screwdriver. "Great thinking guys I really needed these!" Suzuno said grabbing the bag and running over to his workbench. He'd already gathered up everyone's walkie-talkies and could now get to work on repairing them. He set to work dismantling the torches, Fudou suddenly walked over to him "What are you doing you idiot?! We need those for light!" He shouted causing everyone to turn around.

Suzuno looked up from his work and turned to face Fudou "Yes, but I need these parts to fix the Coms machine." he replied calmly going back to his work. "That's more of a priority right now." he continued, pulling on his goggles and slipping under the table to start connecting wires together.

"Fine then..." Fudou grumbled walking off and standing by the window. Everyone else turned back to the bag. Tsunami tipped it upside down and lots of garden tools fell out as well as, lots and lots of sacks of potatoes and numerous bags of salt. Matsuno picked up a bag of salt and a sack of potatoes in confusion.

"Why? Why so much salt and potatoes?" he asked to Sakuma. "Well because zombies absolutely hate salt, they can't stand the stuff, it burns them a bit like with slugs so we thought it could be a good weapon you know?" he replied and everyone seemed to nod in realisation and agreement. "And we got the potatoes so we could make some spud guns!" Toramoru added excitedly.

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