Chapter 18

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A deafening silence filled the teen's ears as he fell to the floor, he felt the heat from the explosion hit him like a tidal wave. Domon lay motionlessly in the doorway, unable to move out of shock, fear and pain. His ears rang mercilessly as the horrible muffled static sounds refused to go away.

He lay there, wishing he could just die and get this whole ordeal over with but a sound made him want to get up. The muffled cries of survivors filled the ward, terrified pleas of rescue that Domon recognised; no he couldn't die here-he had to save his friends. Slowly the teen rose to his feet, all the pain rushing back to him as he bit his lip trying to ignore it. Jay was long-gone and Domon wondered for how long he must have been out cold. "Damn son of a bitch, when I catch him I'll rip him to fricking shreds!"

The amount of dust and ash was incredible and Domon had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't choke, he squinted his eyes and coughed again, feeling the dust accumulating in his lungs as he stepped out into the devastated ward. If the dust was bad the stench was ten times worse; all he could smell was the scent of death and decay, blood from both zombies and humans alike. He hesitated but swallowed his fears and carried on, he had a job to do. Kurumitsu's body still lay in the middle of the ward, completely undisturbed, Domon trained his eyes off of his friend's mutilated body. "P-please...someone!" A muffled voice shouted from underneath a pile of rubble.

For a moment Domon didn't move, this person was alive but he was afraid to see what kind of state they might be in. "Please a-anyone...I don't w-want to die!" They screamed and started weeping in despair, at this, the tall teen was finally brought back down to earth as he scrambled over to the pile. "Hello can you here me? It's me Domon, I'm here to rescue you, don't worry!" He shouted as he tried with all his might to remove the heavy rubble "D-Domon?" The teen recognised the voice. "Tora? Tora it's alright, I promise I'll get you out of here okay?"

Toramoru felt a wave of relief wash over him as he lay under the rubble, everything hurt but he knew he had to hold on, just for a little bit longer. He'd always hated the dark. The shorter boy could hear the other struggling to get him out but he knew he just couldn't give up hope 'I'm such an idiot. I never should've left...' he thought to himself angrily, he tried to move his leg but screamed in agony "Toramoru?!" "I-it's okay I'm f-fine!" He lied as tears of pain pricked at his eyes.

Suddenly a small beam of light streamed into Toramoru's darkness and he had to squint at the sudden brightness, the hole got bigger and Toramoru could see the teen's worried face looking back at him.

Domon hastily removed more of the rubble until Toramoru's body was completely free. The older of the two gasped at the other's injuries "Uh okay Toramoru, don't move until I tell you to alright? Shit this is bad..." Practically all the colour had drained from Domon's face, the younger instantly paled, terrified now of what had happened to him. He looked down at his body, eyes widening; he began to hyperventilate. "Shhh no no it's okay, it's alright we just gotta uh...okay um just..." Domon replied trying to calm the boy down.

Toramoru had a large, deep gash on his forehead and blood seeped gently down his terrified face. His t-shirt was bloody but it got worse; Toramoru's left leg was broken, the bone sticking out at an odd angle, but his right leg was even worse. A piece of steel from God-knows-where had been impaled into the boy's thigh, blood seeping relentlessly from the wound and down his leg. Toramoru hesitantly touched the cold metal, retracting his hand in shock and looking up in disbelief at Domon "I g-guess that's w-why it hurt s-so much!" He said between tears and shocked breaths.

The older of the two steadied his breathing, he had to stay calm. He pulled Ichinose's jacket of his shoulders and (with some trouble) ripped the sleeves off, with one he wiped the blood from the boy's face, tying it tightly around Toramoru's head. The younger looked up at him fearfully "A-aren't you gonna t-take it out?" He asked but Domon shook his head "No, if I try to take the pole out it could cause more damage, it could cause even more bleeding." he replied, tying the other sleeve around Toramoru's thigh to try and stem the blood flow. "Don't worry, when we get back to base Fubuki'll fix you up." Toramoru looked down "Yeah..."

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