Chapter 3

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Kidou shook the walkie-talkie, nothing. "He's gone?" Endou asked, Kidou nodded his head solemnly.
"The coast is clear, I suggest we go now." Domon said peeking around the corner of the abandoned warehouse that they currently hiding behind. Kidou's red eyes fixed upon the bloody shovel across his lap, then back to Domon. "Okay let's do it." he replied and Endou signalled over to the other two (Kurimitsu and Tobitaka) who were standing by an opposite wall. 'I hope Sakuma and the others managed to get the supplies since we failed...' Kidou thought to himself as they made their way silently through the rubble-laden streets.

"Can't this thing go any faster?! They're gaining!" shouted Ichinose as he kicked a zombie away from the truck full of supplies. "This is as fast as it goes!" Handa shouted back swerving to avoid a burning car in the middle of the road. It was a very bumpy ride and Toramoru was hanging on for dear life in the roofless black pick-up that was currently their only chance of survival.

Sakuma was standing in the trailer, his hair tied up messily so it was out of his face, madly swinging the chainsaw they'd found at the zombies that were getting too close. "Eat metal zombies!" he screamed slicing the closest zombies's heads off. One head flew into the trailer in front of Ichinose who quickly kicked it out again, hitting a little girl zombie on the way.

Handa made a quick turn and the wheels skidded along the ruined road, the force lifted one side of the truck up in the air as Handa desperately tried to stop it rolling over. "Ahhh!" Sakuma yelled as he struggled to hold his balance and almost fell out, luckily Ichinose pulled him back just in time. "Everyone get down it's about to get bumpy!" Handa yelled from the front as he sped towards the bridge ahead of them, he gasped as he saw that there was a large hole in it now, but carried on trying to speed up even more although he was already at maximum power. The others' eyes widened as they came nearer "Are you CRAZY! We'll never make that!" Toramoru screamed from the front seat. "Would you rather take your chances with them?!" Handa replied not taking his eyes off the road, Toramoru gulped and closed his eyes, Sakuma and Ichinose exchanged worried glances as they sat down and gripped the sides of the trailer.

"Hold on!" Handa shouted pushing as hard as he could on the accelerator peddle as he neared the break. They ran over and for a second Handa himself thought they weren't going to make it, finally they touched down heavily and the supplies almost flew into the air. After they got off the bridge Handa skidded to a halt and turned around to smile at his comrades "Everyone alive?" he asked light-heartedly, relieved that the zombies could not get across the large gap. Sakuma gave the thumbs-up sign, not fully believing that they'd just survived that. "Yeah now drive!" Ichinose shouted, eager to get back to the safety of the base and Handa hastily turned on the engine again.

Not too far away, a teen sat huddled under a seat in a bus, his knees were drawn up to his chest and he was sobbing quietly. He lifted his head up slightly and looked at his hands, more tears streaming down his face as he did. "S-Seri, Seri! Why did you have to to l-leave me? We, we could have got out to-together!" he told himself, closing his bleary eyes.

"Quick Seri! Jump!" He yelled standing closely to the window on the tiny ledge. "There's too many of them, I can't go on! Please just go without me!" His injured friend replied, not daring to step out. "It's the only way! Please jump now!" the other continued, begging for his friend to join him, he was terrified but still managed to cling on. Seri shook his head, backing away from the window, the other stretched his arm out towards him; suddenly, a zombie arm came crashing through the window, making the taller boy slip and fall. "Seri!" he screamed as he fell and saw his friend being surrounded by zombies. He managed to grab hold of a lower ledge before he hit the ground, he dropped to the ground in a heap, not wanting to move. All he could hear was Seri's agonising screams as he cupped his hands over his ears and ran, just ran...

A sound jolted him awake from his flashback, it was the sound of a car- it was close. He knew that zombies couldn't drive so it had to be humans. This was probably his only chance of survival so he cautiously took a look out of the window. He saw a pick-up truck driving along getting closer and closer to him, if he didn't act soon they would pass him. He quickly scrambled to his feet and hurried over to the bus doors that were smashed open, he stepped out and waved his arms frantically yelling at them.

Sakuma noticed first as they were speeding along. "Hey there's someone over there Handa!" he shouted pointing at the boy. The others took notice and Handa instantly changed course and headed towards him, skidding to a halt when they were a few metres away. "Who is he though?" Ichinose asked, both Toramoru and Sakuma shook their heads not knowing the answer as Handa jumped down and walked towards the bus. The brunette squinted his eyes slightly then realisation hit him. "Arata?"

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