Chapter 21

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"Fubuki..." Tsunami warned, the group looked between their captain and Fubuki as a tense atmosphere began to grow. Fubuki shook his head, not allowing his desperate tears fall "I c-can't...can't do this!" He stated and Tsunami cursed under his breath, this couldn't be happening, not now no way.

Gouenji stood up, walking over to his shaking friend "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, he knew there was something terribly terribly wrong but he couldn't bring himself to let his mind wonder. Nor could he bring himself to focus on anyone other than Fubuki. The room went completely silent, the death-filled atmosphere growing more intense by the second. "Tsunami, are they..." Hiroto asked cautiously, he knew it was true there was no point for anyone to try and hide that fact, to leave the burden to just one person was horrible and he would not allow that. Tsunami didn't say anything, just continued to stare down at the floor, this had all gone wrong so quickly and he had no idea of how to fix it.

"So that's it then? No one's gonna say anything, you're seriously just stay silent are you Tsunami? We have a right to know!" Fudou growled angrily standing up. The Captain stood up in response, walking slowly over to a seething Fudou, the rest of the room instantly fell dead; nervous watching the confrontation.

Tsunami was about to speak when there was a loud yell. "Look out!" Someone screamed in fear "S-stay back! I mean it!" Tsunami whipped around, eyes widening at the scene before him. Domon was standing in front of Fubuki, trembling hands gripping tightly onto his gun. Fubuki, tearful and shaking, watched Gouenji out of the corner of his eye who was desperately trying to get to him without Domon noticing.

Domon glanced at the Captain's horrified face before continuing "What have you done to them?! They can't just be-no they aren't there's no way! Don't lie to me Fubuki!" The teen yelled, small tears beginning to prick at his tired eyes. Fubuki was petrified and couldn't utter a single word. "Domon, come on Domon just listen to me okay? Everything's just fine, going to be alright okay?" Tsunami tried to reason, slowly making his way over to the trembling male. Domon immediately fixed his eyes upon Tsunami but kept the gun firmly pointed at Fubuki "I said don't move!" The Captain put his hands up in surrender but carried on walking towards the other.

"I'm not going to hurt you Domon, no one is okay. You're safe here." "It's all my fault, I promised I would get them back safe and s-sound and now this?! I can't have f-failed, I just can't have!" Tsunami lowered his hands momentarily "No one blames you Domon. You were so brave, so heroic. I won't let you beat yourself up about it!"

Domon lowered his head for a second, as if contemplating what the older teen had said, but quickly bolted up at the sight of Tsunami moving towards him again "Stay back I-I'm serious! I'll shoot, I will!" He shouted and Fubuki let out a small whimper of terror as Domon looked at him; he looked like death himself, and it terrified Fubuki, he couldn't recognise the person in front of him anymore, his eyes were just full of pure hate, fear and sadness.

"You won't do it Domon, I know you're not a murderer-" "Everyone is dead because of me, that makes me a murderer!" "Tsunami-" Gouenji started but the Captain didn't seem to hear him and just continued on getting ever closer to Domon. "I knew you're going through a lot right now but-" "SHUT UP! Y-you don't know anything Tsunami!" "Tsunami just stop-" "Then help me to understand then Domon! Don't be like this, I can help you!" "I'm warning you, stay away!" "Tsunami stop it already or he'll-" "you're not in trouble Domon-" "I'll fucking do it!" "CAPTAIN!"

Gouenji yelled and Tsunami was finally brought back down to his senses, he was less than an arm's length away from Domon. Gouenji's face was red with anger but he quickly calmed it as he addressed the other teen "Domon just listen to me. Just put the gun down. Just put it down and then this can all be over." Domon couldn't reply, he'd worked himself up into a frenzied panic, eyes darting around the room, body shaking uncontrollably. He looked at Gouenji, with more fear than his eyes could express. And then he just  broke.

"GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!" He yelled in anguish as tears rolled down his cheeks, he held his head in his hands as he gritted his teeth, feeling his chest begin to tighten. Endou (who was directly behind him) reached out to give him some support, Domon freaked at the sudden touch and immediately pointed the gun at Fubuki again, he'd gone straight back into panic-mode. "I've made a terrible mistake...I should have never come would've been better if I'd have just died out there..." Domon took his first glance over at the two boys he'd rescued "There's no point anymore..." He muttered and looked at Fubuki. Before placing the gun firmly to his head.

The rapid protests did nothing to change his mind, he was just so tired, tired of being afraid, tired of feeling so alone, he just wanted it all to end. "I'm so sor-"
The click of the trigger resonated around the whole room.
But there was no ring of the bullet.
The gun was empty.

Domon opened his eyes, looking at the gun in front of him before he felt several arms around him.

He couldn't even protest he was just to exhausted to fight back. Fubuki let out a terrified gasp before becoming encased in Gouenji's arms as he cried out tears of fear and relief "That was so scary, I t-thought I was g-gonna die!"
His friend tried to calm him down and held him more tightly, he looked over at the Captain, giving him a stern look. Tsunami just stared at the floor, completely fazed out by what had just happened. He turned on his heel and walked off towards the large window, ignoring Tachimukai and simply pushing past him on his way. Domon had completely worn himself out and was now just a silent heap on the floor as everyone anxiously gathered around, not sure what to do now.

"Che...Captain almost got Fubuki killed, it was just fucking luck that it was empty, Tsunami's an idiot.." Fudou commented and Gouenji half-nodded, feeling anger rise up inside of him. "What? Does he want to jump or something...I wouldn't mind pushing him..." Fubuki looked up at Fudou nervously, Fudou just looked away before muttering something and angrily storming off.

The cracks were beginning to show.

((Omg sorry for such slow updates I've not had any wifi for 2 weeks because our internet got cut off so I've not been able to post this I'm so sorry!

ALSO don't forget to check out 'Beautiful Monster' by leticiaheartinazuma /CityofFragments))

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