Chapter 20

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"OHMYGOD!" Someone yelled in utter horror at the devastating scene, everyone instinctively ran forward only to step back in shock. Tsunami couldn't find the words, nor could anyone else, silence reigned upon the group as Domon stood there wearily, not quite being able to believe he'd made it. "Hi guys...we made it..." The teen said to the stunned group.

Tsunami suddenly found his voice again "Everyone upstairs now. Fubuki, Someoka." The others looked at him cautiously but obeyed, walking back upstairs in a shocked silence as the bases' resident doctor and Someoka stepped forward. Fubuki walked over to Domon, holding his arms out to take the unknown boy from the other's clutches. But Domon shook his head furiously, holding Elliot more tightly, Fubuki frowned "Domon, you're hurt, I need to take him, please." "Y-you can't have him! He needs me!" The other yelled angrily " But I need to help him Domon-" "You can't help him!" Domon interrupted and angry tears pricked in his eyes, threatening to fall, Fubuki stepped back and looked at his captain who shook his head. " Alright Domon, I won't take him from you okay? ...But we do need to take a look at Toramoru, is that okay?" the shorter male asked carefully, Domon nodded slightly and helped Someoka to take him off his back.

"We need to get the three of you upstairs now." the captain stated, carefully putting an arm around the other's shoulders and guiding him upstairs, the other two following behind, carrying the unconscious teen.

"Toramoru?-" Gouenji asked but Fubuki just gave him a short glance before heading over to the sofa, gently lying the boy down with Someoka's help. "Oh Tora, what have you done?..." he whispered as he kneeled beside him. Domon's legs finally gave in and he fell to the floor, luckily Tsunami was there to catch him as everyone rushed over. "Hey hey! Give him some space guys!" Tsunami yelled over the hubbub and the panicked voices began to die away, only to be replaced with a soft sobbing noise. The captain looked down to see tears sliding down Domon's cheeks, he was shaking and gasping for breath, grief having finally taken over.

The teen wouldn't move, having just completely given up he slumped to the floor as his cries turned into screams of anguish. "Come on Domon, don't do this now, come on your stronger than this Domon!" Tsunami shouted kneeling down in front of the distraught teen and placing a firm hand on his shoulder, Domon looked up at him, tears still falling. The older teen squeezed the other's shoulder tightly, Domon looked up at him "C'mon Domon, we need to know what happened okay?"

"I-it's all my fault...e-everything it's all..." "Domon. What happened out there, you're not in trouble we just need to know." Kazemaru said and Domon took in a breath, a darkened haze falling over his tired eyes. He gently loosened his grip on Elliot, placing him slowly on the floor, silent gasps filled the room as everyone's eyes trained on the young boy. Domon's top was soaked with his blood and Elliot himself was pale now. "Is he...." Endou asked hesitantly, locking eyes with Kazemaru.

"No. Why would you say that? I couldn't let him die, I wouldn't! He, he's just sleeping! Isn't that right Captain, you can see that can't you?!" Domon was beyond the point of no return, he couldn't admit that this boy, this boy he barely got to know had just died like that. Tsunami's eyes softened up a bit "Yes Domon, just sleeping. I'll let Fubuki look after him okay?" He asked and bent down to pick up the dead boy; Domon grabbed Elliot's hand  before looking up at his captain who gave him a reassuring smile "Don't worry, we'll take good care of him." The younger male let go hesitantly as Tsunami walked off.

"Fubuki." The boy looked up at the mention of his name, he looked pretty shaken and his hands were blood stained. Tsunami propped Elliot up against the worn out sofa without a word before looking at the other sadly. "So young...he didn't even stand a chance..." Fubuki uttered under his breath, Tsunami just shook his head, running a hand down his face; they'd never had to deal with a death before, he didn't know how to handle it, beyond his calm exterior he was dying on the inside. "Captain..."

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