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I completed one more update ! So thought to make this sunday even more special by giving triple update!!

I won't say about votes because...I don't understand why I don't get that!


Just one day left for their wedding and the whole family was hell excited!!

Juhi as usual was trying her best to act good in front of the family.. specially neil!!

They continued their acting well as they didn't want to destroy the functions!!

Avni-- neil! Come have this!! I made it for you!! You look so tired!!
( Avni made a syrup for him)

Neil-- avu!! Who told you to do this?? I am totally fine! You take rest avu!!

Avni-- neil.. don't act! Atleast not in front of me! I know you since your childhood!! You look so tired! Even I trouble you alot!!

Neil-- avu...I love you! And anything for you!! He took her in a hug!! And kids trouble you alot right!!

Avni-- don't even ask about it!! They themselves seem very confused!! I crave for different things now!!  I still think we will handle them! Avi is also just 4.. and these 3.. I mean! I can't even imagine what will happen!!

Neil-- avu!! We have a big family! Don't worry!! Everything will be sorted!! How cute it would be na..we will carry all 4 to different places!! We 6 will roam around the world!! We will have our own team!!

Avni-- neil!! Don't go so far!! I found it really difficult even when only avi was there!! Handling her and myself too was too difficult!!
Avni became emotional

Neil-- avu!! That time we were not together! Now we are together!! Everything will be sorted!!

Someone was behind their door listening everthing!!

Juhi-- imagine neil! It costs nothing! But I promise to destroy your family very soon! You took mishti from see...what I do with your kids!!

Just then bebe entered their room..and saw juhi standing on the door;;

Bebe-- what are ypu doing on the door??

Juhi-- woh bebe! Nothing...nothing...and she went!;

Bebe entered!!

Bebe-- neil! Can't you guys close the door and talk...that juhi was standing here!! Listening everthing!!

Avni-- bebe...she is too much now! I will kill her today!!

Neil-- avni!! Calm down!  Relax!! And bebe!! We will take care of it from the next time!!

Bebe-- I just want the bad omen to be away!! This house is experiencing very happy moments! I just want them intact!

Neil and avni hugged bebe and she reciprocated it well. !!

The mehendi was being prepared and the whole house was yet again decorated!!

Neil-- avni..I.will go to office and come! I have got a lead!!

Avni-- but how neil! Mummy ji will never allow you!

Neil-- avni...I will go by the back door!! Please...tell everyone I am in the room!! Please yaar!!

Avni-- okay! But do come soon!!

Neil pecked her lips Nd went!!

Avi came to avni in the room!!

Avi-- where is your neilu ...avu??

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