Self respect!

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Neil-- stop this joke avni!
Avni-- I am serious neil! I can't marry you!

Neil-- But why???
Neil anxiously asked!

Avni-- because I respect myself! need explanation right!!!!...
What if avi was not your daughter ! Wht if I was not a mom?
Would you have married me then??
You left me everytime neil... whenever I needed you. Wedding is not a joke for me! I respect it alot . Being neela's daughter.. I can't go against my self respect! I love you alot neil.. and will love always but I can't marry you. You can come and meet avi whenever you feel like...! But.....
Sorry neil... This time I am leaving you!
Not because of any other boy or circumstances but due to my self respect!

Avni went to the other side of terrace after saying it!

Neil having tears in his eyes followed her and sat beside her!

Neil-- I respect you even more than I love you avni!! I respect you more! I think you know that well. I know I am not worthy marrying the best surgeon I guess..but I left you in varanasi just to safeguard your dreams! Earlier whatever happened was just juhi's trap. I never intentionally left you avu!!
I won't force you thats for sure... But I love you yaar! I love you ...
They hugged each other and cried their hearts out.

Avni and neil went again to sleep in the same position seeing avi missing them. But neil was hell broken. Avni didn't know why she is doing this but her self respect was not allowing her.

Early morning:

Not getting network neila came on to the terrace to talk to ashish and saw them sleeping in the most beautiful way! She clicked a beautiful picture of them too

I feel everything is sorted now and went down smilingly.

Neila...--- bebe they are together. See the picture. Bebe was very happy too.

Bebe--- neila..its the right time to inform shweta too..
Along with aman and kareena ...lets get them married too...

Neela and bebe went to shweta and made her understand everything ..
Initially she was angry but slowly understood everything.

Neel and avni along with avi were coming down..and neela bebe and shweta had an awwwww expression..

Neil's eyes were puffed and red..and same with avni.. avi was in neil's arms and slowly they went from there..

Shweta--- bebe...neela ji... Are they okay?? Why aren't they happy??  I mean now what is the problem with this tillu...

Bebe-- can't you shut your mouth for a while yaar!! Let us find out..

Neela maa-- bebe ...shweta ji.. let them be ready first..

Seeing neil shirtless and avni in a disorganised manner...neila wanted to give them some space..

Shweta--- okay shweta ji... I respect you so I am stopping...but after they get ready I won't stop.

Neela --- okay shweta ji...for sure...

Avni was ready and was busy in her work and neil had avi on his chest and they were still sleeping.

Avni-- neil..avi...wake up! Its mehendi today!

Neil held avni's hand and kissed it..

Neil-- why acting being a wifey ...when you actually don't want to be one??

Avni-- everything doesn't come so soon mr.khanna.. its your time to prove yourself!
Common wake up...all the family members have woke up!
This sleepy head avi..!

Avi woke up finally...

Avi-- mumma just a minute..

Avni-- avu ki avi..
And this was enough for her to wake up and hug her..
She even hugged and kissed neil.

life without a life!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن