Police station

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So...here I am fulfilling your wish..and my promise!!!
Enjoy and don't forget to comment 😊😊😊😊

Avni was still on the waiting bench of police


Shweta neela maa bebe and prakash! Were all there and were totally shattered!!

It was about 24 hours and she have not had even a single piece of food !

Police officer-- there is a good news mam! Most probably we have found neil! He is safe but is in terrorist's captive! We will get him safe!

Avni-- avni was relieved a bit but she was hell restless!

Avni-- officer can I come with you all please??
I need to save neil!

Shweta-- you will not go anywhere! Avni ... neil will come back..take care of yourself beta!

Officer-- yes....we can't allow you mam also!!

Neela-- avni...go and take some rest!! We are here ...we will call you once we need come to know about anything!!

Avni slowly went and hided in the van that was going  to save him!

They finally reached the place from where they got the threat!

All the family members thought avni being at hotel ...resting!!

After a journey of 6 hours they reached the place!! Avni was along with the luggage!

As they stopped at the terrorist's captive! Avni was the first to come out of the van! And hided behind a tree!!

They all tried their best but the terrorist was not ready to free neil!!

The terrorist had his daughter with himself who was all drenched in blood but she was breathing!!

Here at the hotel all the family members were restless and were trying their best to find avni!!

Neila maa-- she has went with them! Definitely! This girl won't change! She is very stubborn!!

All went to the police station to tell them about her!!

Here at terrorist's place:
Avni couldn't control herself and thought to treat the girl!!

Avni-- she is just like avi!! My avi!! How will her mother live without her??

The rest police officers went back!

Avni went slowly to the terrorist  house and asked him about the girl's condition!

He understood her being a secret police officer and even held her in captive!!

Neila and the family members reached the police station and asked them to find avni!!

Police officer-- I felt someone's presence in the van!! But we were too tensed for neil!!
Dont worry we are going there now!!

He and his team once again went to the desert having terrorist's captive!!

Avni-- I will treat that girl and go!! See ....she is bleeding!  She will die!! My daughter is of the same age ! I can feel it!! Kill me if you want but just let me treat her!
After some hours!!

The terrorist had no other choice and allowed her to treat the child!! As he loved his daughter alot too!!

The girl was soon gaining consciousness and the terrorist was really very happy!!

Terrorist- lady..we know you are here certainly not to help us! But tell us why you are here!!
We are here to destroy your city..and you are helping us!! Something is fishy!

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