Avneil Khanna

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My plan got postponed! So having a hour free...I made an update for you!!!

Surprise 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Avni woke up again ! And was really fresh by

Avni-- neil!! Wake up!!

Neil-- Avu...I am really tired yaar! Need sleep! Let me sleep yaar!

Avni-- I am carrying your 3 children and I am fresh!! Its my order get up!! Its afternoon neil!! I am hell hungry by now!!

Neil-- so sorry babes!! Ohk!! Lets order something!! I have to discuss a plan with you!!

Avni-- I will get ready in sometime!

They had lunch... discussed the plan and were ready too!!

Neil-- avni... I am discussing it with you doesn't mean than you are gonna involved in it! You and avi will go to canada!! And thts final!

Avni-- I am sorry neil! I will send avi with neila maa! But I am not gonna leave you alone! That too in such a risky task!!

Neil-- avni!! Sometimes you are too much! I said you are going means you are going! I am sorry...I may sound rude...but for your safety...its essential!!

They finally went back to home from the resort!! Whole way they planned out everything!!

Just few kms away!!

Avni-- neil!! Stop the car!!

Neil-- what happened love??

Avni-- see...Dr.john is there!!! He is instructing the ambulance!!

Neil-- avni..mission-1...

Mission-1: recording every activity related to dr john and nalini in an automated device used by detectives!! Hidden cameras record everything!!
Avni had camera in her locket as well as in her car's back light!!

Soon ..dr john went away!!

Avni-- neil...lets go behind the ambulance!!

Neil-- okay avni!! But I can't risk you!!

Avni-- neil...please!! I am okay!! I promise I wont take any risk!! But please yaar!! Its about our avneil..the ultimate symbol of our love..our life....neil.....

Neil followed the ambulance and the ambulance went to a very big hospital!!

Avni-- yes!! Its where dr john works!! For every saturday and sunday!!

Neil-- now you want to go inside ? Neil stopped avni who was just about to go inside!!
Lets go home now!! My detective agents are everywhere!! Dont worry!!

Avni-- its about avneil ...neil plz...I am ready to even die for my avi!!

Neil-- avni!!!! Please!! I will die if anything happens to you!!

Avni-- neil!! Baby!! Plz.. don't say like this!!
Okay! As you say! Lets discuss this with eliza.. and I told you about her mom..! She is returning from italy soon!

Neil-- thats great! She can give the history of dr.john!

Avni-- yes neil! They were in the same team for a surgery even!

They discussed and finally reached home! Avni slept in the car...being too tired ! Neil took her in bridal style and took her inside!

Avi-- dad! What happened to mumma!!

Neil-- beta...she is just too tired! So I didnt disturb her! So..I brought her !

Avi-- You love  mumma alot dad!!

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