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Being totally exhausted and having only 2 hours of sleep they reached home!!

Neil was carrying avni in bridal style as she slept in car again!!

As they entered...!!


The whole khanna family and neila came surprisingly!

( Twists need not be bad always😊😊😊😊)

neil was shocked as hell and they were really very happy!!.

Neela-- neil avni ko utaro! Warna ...2-4 bachhe or ho jayenge!!!

And they all laughed!!

Neil blushed and met everyone!! Avni was also awake and on her legs by now!!

Shweta-- how are you beta??? And hugged avni!!
How are my grands?? She touched her stomach!!

Neila-- seems haven't slept last night??

Avni-- yes mumma..I was busy in a surgery!

Prakash-- since when neil has turned into a doctor avni?? Now don't say he was in hospital!!

Avni-- arey! Actually he was in hospital papa!
You guys would have called atleast! How did you all manage??

Shweta-- my darling eliza !!

Eliza smiled and hugged shweta!!

Shweta-- this time we are here for your marriage!! Now please don't deny!!

Avni-- mummy ji.. everything is okay! But there is a problem!!

Neela-- what happened beta??? You would have atleast made a call to me??

Avni-- maa!! First you guys relax and have tea atleast! We will talk about it soon!!

Avni made them comfortable in their rooms!! Prakash shweta in a room! Neila and bebe in the other!!

Avni-- mumma..till the time maid arrives to clean the rooms!! You and bebe can relax in my room!!

Neil frowned! But avni glared him!

Bebe and neela went to avni's room!! Avni being sleepy slept talking to them! And neil was hell sleepy!

Neil went to avi's room and slept there!!

Avi woke up and saw that neilnwas sleeping she kisses his forehead and went to the hall!!
Then she went to avni's room and was very happy meeting neila nad bebe..

Neila-- my darling is awake!!!

Avi-- neela mumma!! I miss you!!!

Bebe-- and who will hug bebe??

Avi-- I love you bebe!!

Bebe-- thankyou avu!! You even don't know how much happiness you have given us!!!
We are lucky to have you as our bahu!!

Neil-- bebe! She has done nothing! Its due to my constant efforts!!
Neil entered and took a sleepy avi in his arms!!
Soon neila took her and kissed her!

Bebe-- are you completely shameless???

Neila-- bebe you know...when after aman's reception I saw them! I was sure...I would be nani once again!!

Avni was hell embarrased! And neil was red as a tomato!!

Bebe-- avi is awake now!!

Avi was in full mood and was continuosly blabbering everything!
It being a holiday! She was free !

life without a life!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz