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It was their shopping day! And avni and neil woke up and were ready even before time!

Neil-- avni! You woke up at this time? You are okay na?? And how are my babies! He touched her tummy and asked;

Avni-- neil!! I couldn't sleep whole night ! I missed you! I craved for you. And your babies can't even sleep without you!!

Neil-- I told you na..lets go to hospital! We will sleep in your clinic!! I will talk to bebe about it!

Avni-- neil!! You are too much!
Lets make avi ready!! She is still sleeping!

Neil-- I will make her ready! You go and have poha! I made it for you!!

Avni-- yuckkkk...I feel like vomiting seeing it!!

Neil-- avni!! Is that really you?? You remember in jaipur you used to have it daily!!!

Avni-- neil!! I am pregnant! Can't you understand facts!! Idiot!

Neil-- arey!! Baby...sorry!!

Avni-- I want to have bhindi!!

Neil-- the babies are like their father for sure!!

Avni-- you go and make avi ready! I will ask neela maa to make bhindi for me!!

Neil-- I will make it for you! I want to make these 7 days most memorable to you!! I have a plan! From today you will not miss me at night too!!

Avni-- neil!! You are always on one track! How come is this possible?
Now...go and make avi ready! I am going to take a nap!!

Neil made avi ready and prepared bhindi too!!

Neela-- ohooooo!! son made bhindi!! Woww!! But for whom?

Neil-- your daughter!

Neela-- mood swings! See... your kids are totally like you!!

Neil smiled and shweta entered!!

Shweta-- neil one thing! Put some spices in it too.. when you were in my tummy! I used to love it!! Spicy bhindi!!

Neil-- but mom!! My kids are too small!! Too much spicy food!!

Shweta-- tillu.. I am your mother...not you!!

Neela-- giggled.. yes neil!! Shweta ji is right! Avni even used to love spicy food when avi was to come!

Bebe-- wowwww!! Bhindi!!!!!

And he took the tray to the dining table!

Avni-- wowww!!! Yaar!! I will have the whole bowl !

Neil-- let me taste atleast!!

Avni-- bhindi my rules!🤣🤣🤣

Everyone present there had a laugh!

Prakash-- so neel and avni! You guys are going today for shopping! And we will also go for ours!!
Why not we all go will be fun!!

Neil-- whts the need of it?

Shweta-- tillu ..we also need clothes beta!!

Avni- mummy ji..leave this tillu!! Lets we all go!!

Neil-- huhhhhh!! ( Wait for tonight wifey)

They all went to the shopping mall!! And selected dresses!!

Avni went to try a dress !!

Avni from the trial room!
Avni-- neil please come here!! I am unable to open my dress!! Its stuck somewhere!!

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