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Avni fainted and the dr brought water!!

Neil-- dr..what has happened??baby is fine na??? Is there any complication??
Neil panicked badly!!

Dr-- No baby is not fine!! Your babies are fine!! Avni has triplets!!
Neil was shocked as hell and avni also was conscious by the time!!

Neil-- avni...!

Avni-- I know neil!! I saw my report!!

Neil was still in shock!!

Avni-- why so shocked!! Its polyzygotic!!
Your and my ovaries over enthusiastic behaviour together!!

Neil-- Avni...I am not shocked! I am hell happy!!! I will have 4 kids in total now!!! I even want more avni!! I will make my own cricket team!!!

Avni-- you are such a shameless person!! The dr is standing here and you are in your own swag!!

Dr-- Its totally okay! Are you sure avni you will manage??? You can go for abortion ...if you want!!

Avni and neil together!!

Avni-- I am totally okay with it dr!! They are symbol of my love!! I can't kill a child!!

Neil-- exactly! We are capable enough to give all of them a very good life!!

Finally they left the gynaecology department with a bundle of instructions and finally reached to avni's cabin!!

Neil hugged avni and almost jumped!!

Neil-- I will have 4 kids avni!! We will play together! We will eat together!! We will enjoy alot yaar!!

Avni-- neil...its not that easy!! We two alone can't manage four kids!! Eliza will be even busy now! Its her delivery date the next month!
I am hell anxious!!!

Neil-- trust me avni!! Its very easy!!  We have a big family!!! Everything will be managed!! Lets go home and give everyone the good new
And he pecked her !!!! In your case its best news!!!

Avni-- ohk neil! And she blushed!! But was very anxious still!

They reached home and it was time for mishti and avi to reach home too!!

Everyone came finally and avi hugged neil and avni!!

Avi-- dad!! Mumma...I love you both!

Avni and neil together-- we too love you my darling!!

Neil-- so...eliza and vidyut.. there is double good news actually!!
We are expecting triplets!! And your avni is hell anxious ! She even fainted there!!

Eliza-- wow!! Avu... Its such a good news yaar!  It calls for a celebration!

Avni-- neil lets video call at home! I have 4 missed calls of papa!!

They video called at home:
( As neela and the khanna family has started a new business! So all of them were in mumbai!)

Prakash-- are you two!!

Avi and mishti-- even we are here dadu!!

Prakash-- yes yes...indeed ... Mere bachhe!! Kaise ho dono???

Avi- I miss you dadu! Why don't you come here???

Mishti-- yes dadu..many babies are coming now!! Hain na avu??

Avni was hell embarrased!!

Prakash-- many babies?? Neil ..are you also pregnant??
Prakash giggled!!

Neil-- dad!! You are just like avi!!Avni is carrying triplets this time!!

Prakash-- its such a good news! Wowwwwww!!!!!!
I will have 4 grandchildren!! Let me take the phone to the Mahila mandali!! Our great business women!

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