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Somehow the castle seemed a bit more livelier than usual. Everywhere the girl went she was met with a pair of servants hustling to and fro, there were even some demons that made sure to keep a watchful eye on her whereabouts. Although she didn't like the uncomfortable stares, Wisteria didn't exactly mind since this place wasn't really meant for her to walk around in. The last time she actually walked outside was dangerous and resulted in her coughing fit to start.

When she reminded Matteus of her condition, he was adamant of taking her outside and resolute in letting her stay cooped up in the castle. But after much persuasion, she was happily walking across the different areas of the god's domain with several guards in case anything goes wrong.

So far, the human met different kinds of spirits and anguished souls. Wisteria took the time to sit down and even spoke to a child that had died because of neglect from her parents. She was no more than five.

"Are you angry at them?" The female asked.

The girl shook her head. "Just regretful."

"For what?"

"Perhaps if I was a better child then they wouldn't have left me in the cold, but they seemed happy when I was with them. But I wonder..." The girl murmured in a dull tone.

Wisteria lifted her up in her arms and sighed tiredly. "I understand your wish. After all that time together you want to know... what you did wrong?"

The child nodded. The human gave a halfhearted smile. "Unfortunately I don't know myself, and I'm no healer but wouldn't it be best for you to let go of your questions and move on?"


"If you forget about the past and move, then maybe you can be reborn in a better place with loving parents once more," Wisteria continued to rub her hand on the girl's dirty blonde locks. "You've had such a short life before you died, why waste your time down in this place wondering about what you did wrong when you can be happy and live to your fullest in the next life?"

They were silent afterwards. Matteus and the other demons even contemplated about what their mistress said. Wisteria was really something, she was truly kind to this child.

Before Wisteria left, the little girl told her that she'd think about it. She wanted to move on and forget about it, she didn't want to overstay her welcome in this place.

"Will I see you in my next life?" The girl asked.

Wisteria shook her head sadly. "Who knows when you wake up reborn? It could be ten years, a hundred years, possibly even more. By that time I will be long gone, and you won't remember meeting me."

"Why not?"

"Mortals never remember how they died in their past life or their time down here in this place," Matteus interjected. He gave a grim smile to the girl. "Perhaps it's better that way to forget."

After that girl, Wisteria was intrigued to meet the other humans who have died here. The demons were hesitant but stood in close watch, guarded against the other souls who may pose a threat to the blonde.

Some of the spirits were nice to her, they even bowed and called her by her newfound title. Others were a bit restless and didn't exactly know how to act in front of her, while the rest were a bit malicious and didn't take kind to Wisteria. It wasn't until they realized that she was only there to listen to their stories and how unfortunate their deaths were.

There was a certain soul that Wisteria had met, a woman who was bent on seeking revenge against her husband. The love of her life had slept with another woman in secret and bore a child. It went on in secret for two years until she finally caught onto her husband's affairs, but he panicked and secretly poisoned her food. She died the very next morning.

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