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   She was beginning to manipulate them. Every single person that thought to be useful, coming across her way, she webbed them all into her own little harem of power. But it was not her intention.

It's what Eden thought.

Soon enough, her host will receive the affections and friendship from Daegel. Who knows how long it will take until all of the caretakers that Septimus left his lands to will also fall for her. When that time comes, Wisteria will have powerful allies. Gods, minors, even their faithful servants will back the girl up.

Wisteria will have completely almost dominant this world that she's in.

But she never really cared about this place since the beginning.

"U-Um, hello." She meekly greeted the guards in front of her. They seemed to be in the back entrance of the castle. The two in front of her wore masks that didn't even have any faces on them. Just numbers. 10 and 11. They responded by nodded their heads to her briefly, not minding her appearance.

"The entrance will not directly send you inside of the castle." Eden hummed. "They will lead you to the gardens."

Silently, one of them took her hand and the other did the same. She was a bit stupefied as they began to swing her hands back and forth like little children. 10 took her basket and  carried it for her while they sped up their pace and disappeared into a tunnel. It wasn't long before they went out, and the first thing that she saw was a large tree. Very large. It stood in the middle of everything, around it were small mazes that had been trimmed and crystallized flowers popped out, shimmering against each other. The tree was different than the others that she saw. All of the leaves were made from gold, and it produced more than one fruit. It didn't help the anticipation that the fruits looked like glass.

Small, flying faes were floating around the tree. Instead of the ones she knew, they wore dark and daring clothes with wings that were nonexistent. They continued to lazily gather around until they noticed the three in front of them.

They stopped completely when they saw Wisteria. She smiled, and they moved closer to get a better look at the girl who looked like their god. One of them came too close.

"Hi-" before she could even smile, 10 immediately snatched one of the faes and gripped her neck so hard that she stopped fluttering and choked. Letting go of the small person, the male let her fall to the ground and Wisteria shockingly watched as 10 lifted up his foot and smashed it against her body. Wisteria gasped and horrifically backed away when she saw the crumpled body and blood. "Y-You killed her." She stammered at the guy. "What? How—what?"

He only nodded before slapping the others away who were too afraid to care about the gesture.

Where's the fae? Is she still here? Wisteria carefully looked around to see if the fairy was around. This was the land of the dead, doesn't it mean that she was still here? But the way the body looked like a crushed fly, she doubted it very much that her spirit was coming back any time soon.

Wisteria was scared. She was too nervous to stand beside these people.

What was wrong with them?

The two of them didn't even glance at the others before taking Wis' hands again and leading her straight to another entrance of the castle. She was too petrified to struggle and let them lead her up a long staircase and soon enough, they met up with a large door and pushed it open until she stood inside of a large living room. Frowning at the coldness and the dead silence, she realized how much the girl was used at the noises back at Delilah's house.

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