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"What do you mean it won't stop snowing?"

Wisteria had recently returned inside of the system and instantly demanded a report for the weather. It was only four days ago that Delilah went into the kingdom's markets to look for food this winter. She was supposed to come back earlier, but she hadn't. Wis could only guess that the woman was staying over at an inn while the blizzard continued to ravage on.

For the time being she and Silky had managed to live off well on the last of the food. They could try to grow something inside of the house with thee magic, but with the cold that kept the whole house freezing, even the girl had to realize that it wouldn't work. The only thing keeping them warm was Silky. The human would have tried to help if she didn't end up with a fever yesterday morning.

Because of her fever worsening the Wisp has tried to use her healing hands to keep the sickness at bay while trying to keep the temperature from going down. It worked for a while until the creature couldn't hover above the ground anymore and collapsed to the freezing floor, mentally exhausted. Although it was said that her powers were rare and very helpful, Wis soon found out that the albino's magic was suppressed. It had been for a long time. The creature hadn't even used magic before she had gotten captured. The only thing the Wisp did was escape from being seen.

Eden reported to the teen that Wisps were very docile creatures unless provoked. Not using magic for a long period of time was only natural for Silky. Floating is like walking to her, so it was a common thing for the female to do. It didn't even count as a power.

Now Wisteria was stuck inside of her system. Her body grew sensitive and every time she would try to move, numbness and pain erupted throughout her hands and feet. Even her head made the pain worse since it felt like the girl had been hit with a bat.

Wis had upgraded Eden almost four times now, but even the system couldn't help wake her up. The only thing she could do was learn new magic until Silky becomes successful in waking her physical form up.

"I'm sure we both know that the god of winter is throwing a big fit now. We could only assume that it may continue for at least two weeks." While explaining, her host currently walked back and forth inside of the main room with gritted teeth and a seething aura. "Two weeks? That's practically half a month. If Delilah isn't able to come back, Silky and I will starve. You were able to pin her location down a few hours ago. Is she still safe?"


"Are the new rooms finally prepared?" With the upgrades, the main room was able to become even bigger with more windows to peek through the outside. Her system's voice became a lot more clearer and Eden now had the power to do more things. There were even two new rooms that were added and another hallway for even more rooms if she manages to expand. Eden responded with a cheery tone and swung the door open in excitement.

"The first room is a medic one. Since modern technology isn't developed in this world, the system provided you with the latest equipment and medicine of you ever get into trouble." Exploring inside of the room, Wis was now pleased to see that it was almost as large as the main room. The cabinets were filled while there were two hospitals beds inside with IVs standing next to them. Even a TV was inside. "What are the beds for?"

"If you ever get wounded in your physical form, it might affect this current body of yours as well. Everything in here is just a precaution if something happens. In this world, I'm sure you know that you can never be too cautious." Wis nodded in agreement and silently closed the door behind her. When she has more time, she'll skip her lessons and just dive into the medical ones. It was probably better to learn acupuncture for defense and offense.

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