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To say that Wisteria was happy was a total understatement. For the past nine hours in the system, she was finally able to learn more about the world and also some more of her new magic. But even after all of that, there was a little bit of time left before she woke up so the female rummaged through the shelves to look for another way to study.

And then just like she sees in every manga or a stupid anime that's actually pretty cool, she accidentally knocked over a book that fell onto the floor open. Glancing down at it, she frowned once she saw some weird language in it. "Eden? Is this another spell book?"

"No, but you were able to upgrade the system and unlock a room. Would you like to see it?"

"Which room is it?"

"Storage." Wisteria snorted. "Really? What's in it?"

"Miss, please go and check. There are several things in there from your world that I'm sure will be useful for the nearby future." Wisteria looked back down at the book before furrowing her brows. "Wait, I'll go check it out. But what's this?"

"Book for learning martial arts. How to defend yourself, to use a weapon, really anything that you can use on how to fight. Would you like to learn this next time or right now?"

"How much time do we have?"

"Thirty-seven minutes left." Wisteria nodded before getting up and looking around the room. "I'm allowed to walk through the door, yes?"

"Go ahead, Miss."

Wisteria hurried over to the door, latching onto the knob and stepping out of the room. She was a bit surprised to see a massive hallway with pillars supporting the roof. The windows were now larger and she could see more of the outside world. Wisteria looked over at the doors that were down the hallways and learned that there was many of them for her to unlock soon. "Which one is it?"

"The first door to your left."

Cautiously opening it, she found the room to be bigger than she expected. But then again in her dreamworld, everything was. I'm here, there were shelves and cabinets filled with items. Looking inside of the cabinets, she found small things like notepads, pens, or even small weapons like a hunting knife.

Actually, she was wrong. It wasn't small.

"Why are these even in here in the first place? Am I meant to take these things?"

"You can. I did mean what I said about not bringing anything from this system with large value to this world. But... I was able to learn more once the system upgraded. Every time you learn more things, you will have challenges. Each challenge that you are able to prove and succeed, you get a choice to use something valuable here."

"Such as?"

"Potions that will permanently make you more beautiful, other things that will enhance your voice, spells that will be able to make you stronger. Many things as long as you are able to succeed the challenges."

"Let's say if I was able to complete the big challenges. The important ones. What are the option then?"

"There's a potion that you can make anyone fall in love with you. There is a cure for that that comes along with the item. There's also a button that you can collect to make one accident. Trust me, you might need it. There's also-"

"Yeah, okay. We'll talk about that later. But listen, the book that fell off the shelf earlier, make sure to keep it until tonight. I'll have a look at it once I come back here. Right now, am I allowed to take anything here?"

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