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Since that incident with the ladies, the whole castle staff and guards were aware of how their god was now healed from his scars. And what that human girl meant to him. It was no secret that she was the most important person to the male, and how extraordinary she seemed. They treated her just like they would a goddess.

They were all cautious of her, not wanting to die next from Septimus' anger.

But somehow, they were surprised to see how much their god could tolerate the girl's rudeness to him. Every time he would try to hug her, she kicked him away which resulted the place to become colder and the butlers almost in tears.

He tried to care for her bruises, she whacked his hand away and healed them herself. He took out his anger on the servants, shouting at them while they dealt with many more injuries that he lashed out at them. Wisteria learned of it, and scolded him before taking care of the injured.

Septimus has tried to please her with many gifts and food, but she only scowled at him before choosing to make her own food. The kitchen staff was terrified of that choice because of how Septimus was in the room, watching over the staff like a hawk to make sure they wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Where's my offering?" The god demanded, poking her side. She smiled before placing the plates down in front of the head of the kitchen servant. The chef looked down at the food she had prepared before realizing he was ignoring the god. Wisteria chuckled, "I'm sure you all must be hungry, I prepared dinner—or lunch... or whatever time it is."

"Where's mine? Why are you making food for them, even those desserts? Don't those belong to me?" Septimus asks again with annoyance. Wis frowned at him, "Do you think you deserve some?"

The servants had the idea of backing away now.

"I'm a god-"

"Are you threatening me?" Wisteria stopped placing the food down and huffed at the male. "I just got healed from my bruises. This is what you do after?" After seeing such frustration sketched onto him, she couldn't help but sigh and glance at the small table which held her offerings to him. "That basket over there, I brought it for you for an apology since I haven't contacted you for a while. Would that be okay?"

He didn't even answer before rushing to grab her things and disappearing from everyone's sight.

If you truly are a god, maintain your appearance as one. Don't just run away! She scolded him bitterly in her mind. Wisteria planned to give some rules to her brother, but she doubted that it would make everyone here happy on how a human girl would tell a god how to act.

After leaving the kitchen, she ran into one of the twins. She couldn't really remember the name well, but she snapped her fingers as soon as she did. "Abdul samad! That's your name, right?" He did a stiff nod before peering over her, watching the servants.

"What's wrong? Did you want some food as well? I've got candy in my pocket." He shook his head. He pointed at the desserts behind her. Skeptically following his view, the teen noticed the sweets the male was interest in. Laughing, she went back inside and picked up a plate, slicing a small piece of the dessert before placing it in the hands of the man. "Before... my friend taught me how to make these. It's a Black Forest Cherry Cake."

The ingredients she used were actually difficult to find. She was glad that there was chocolate here and that there were some regular cherries around, but from what the others had told her, these ingredients were hard to find and very expensive for the wealthy humans. Only gods were able to afford them. It was beginning to be a pain for her to listen to everyone about how literally everything belongs to a god, not humans.

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