Pete was tired and so was Ae but both boys didn't give up. Pete wouldn't allow Trump to take over his body, it belonged to just Ae.

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Ae was doing all he could so he'd get them both out of there. But it wasn't as easy as it sounded. There was a only so much he could do taking on those men and preventing those idiots from touching his Pete. He was on the verge of giving up. He was tired, bruised and very much scared even if he didn't show it. Those men could kill the both of them at any time.

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" I really don't know where he is guys. How many times do you want me to say it. " Jane was screaming it out now.

"Who knew Pete's family was this well to do?" She said more to herself.

"And what has that got to do with anything? Money asked with anger.

" I wouldn't have even thought of it not to talk of joining hands with that guy. I PROMISE!! " She spat out.

" Like that can solve anything now. You're very lucky the police is around us now otherwise I would have hit you so hard you'd forget your name. Such a bitch. "  Money said while pacing the interrogation room.

" You know what, on the second thought I think I should just bitch slap you right now. "Money was rushing towards her now but was stopped by her friends but that didn't stop her from ranting.

" That's your excuse? That you didn't know he was well to do? What if he wasn't? You'd go ahead with it? How could you think of doing that to make someone like you? That's not how it works okay bitch? You don't force love. And now because of your stupidity he's back in the same spot he was back in school . Or probably even worse. Do you have any idea what Pete went through in the hands of that asshole?And your excuse is you didn't know he was that rich? Fuck you! And you'd better pray they're both okay or else I don't want to imagine what is going to happen to you. Pray they're both okay Jane. Really. I swear if they're not I'll kill you myself. " Money was now crying but in anger while in Aim's arms.

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